Friends Cut?

Aug 06, 2009 22:00

Nope, I'm not weeding anyone out (with the exception of a few comms). Conversely, I'm sending out a sort of warning to my flist; things have changed.

I honestly feel bad when I post like ten one-fandom fics in a row, knowing that half my flist is probably getting annoyed by it. Odd thing to think about, I know, but it bothers me nonetheless. So, if you happen to be someone who does, on occasion, get bothered by my writing trends, a few things you should know;

♠ Heroes fic? Probably not going to happen anymore, sadly. I know, it's kind of depressing, that's where I started, and I will always think of sylar_peter as my home (I love you guys, seriously, I don't mean to get heavy, but I made most of my first lj friends there). Occasionally, I may continue to post a Matt/Moho or Sylar/Peter fic, but I just haven't had a Heroes muse in like half a year, so I really feel like this might goodbye to that fandom.

♠ Glee fic! I know a lot of you friended me for my Glee fic, specifically my Finn/Kurt 'verse, which I still haven't finished, and unfortunately, probably never will. That fic itself kind of turned into a terror for me, and I just can't continue to work on something I feel so negatively about. If, by chance, any of you have ideas and would like to finish it (and yes, I'm talking about the I Think About... 'verse), contact me and I'll consider allowing you to write the final chapter(s). Other than that, I may get back into writing some more once season two kicks off, but I've kind of fallen completely out of that fandom recently.

♠ Supernatural: Will always be my life. So if you added me for SPN fic, I can guarantee that will never stop.

♠ As The World Turns: Despite my involvement in the fandom, I actually rarely write ATWT fic, since most of my ideas go into prompts for rounds at lureficresource. However, if you friended me for my Casey/Reid, don't worry, that's still on my to-do list. I warned ya'll it make take a while! XD

♠ Inception! Hello, new fandom! I'm so unbelievably excited about some Inception fics I'm working on, and I just can't wait to get cobb_fischer off the ground. I literally get flaily about eames_arthur goodness, too, so the fact that my fics are generally shaping up to be Cobb/Arthur is beyond my comprehension, lol.

So, that's pretty much what you need to know. I just decided that since a lot of you friended me over a year ago, and my journal was something entirely different back then, I'd give you this opportunity to de-friend me without feeling bad about it, lol. So if my journal has been a bore to you in recent months, go ahead and cut it. Things change, people change, and so do their fandoms, inevitably. So anyhow... yeah, there's that.
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