Six Thousand Feet [Genevieve/Danneel]

Jul 08, 2010 04:04

Title: Six Thousand Feet
Pairing: Genevieve/Danneel (With mention of /Jared, /Jensen respectively.)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 1400
Summary: A Ferris Wheel and a fear of heights.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys girls. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: Written for the 'Carnival' square on my schmoop_bingo card. And, this is officially the first femmeslash to ever be posted to my journal! For realsies, Babe!

Genevieve held her breath, hands tightening over the lapbar as the Ferris Wheel spun into motion. It was a soft jolt at first, really nothing compared to... well, anything, really. But, it was the anticipation of what was to come, the inevitable climb, the moment of hang time that was sure to happen as she reached the top, that had her heart pounding, and her fingers trembling. She wouldn't have done this, wouldn't have been there, if it weren't for Jared, insisting that cotton candy and rubber duck ponds were reason enough to take a six hour drive to the carnival, on her only day off.

She closed her eyes as another jolt rang through her body, mechanics thrumming and screaming beside her, as the ground slipped away, falling further and further, until the cracks in the pavement were no longer visible. Her eyes flew open with a start, as she felt a soft, warm hand cover over her own. It was strong and steady, familiar and friendly. She turned to her friend, all calm nerves, warm smile, and bright hair.

"Danni," Gen mumbled, a make-shift warning that she wasn't okay. She hated heights, hated Ferris Wheels, hated the fucking carnival in general, all greasy foods and salty smells, obnoxious music, booth runners throwing their scams in her face. The last time she'd gone, she was eight years old. Excited and anxious, pointing, touching, wanting. "Daddy, please? It's only a dollar! I can win!" But, she'd never been a dumb girl, not even when she was eight. She was curious, studious, and it didn't take long for her to realize that under every clown was a man with an issue. Under the sparkling paint on the rides, was a mile of rusted metal. Under the surface? The carnival was really just a shitty place to be.

"We're almost at the top," Danneel mused easily, as if the words wouldn't echo through Gen's chest, rattling her ribs as their car shook and stuttered.

"Why would you tell me that?" Gen asked incredulously, hands instinctively tightening over the lapbar as the car rocked, tipping them back just far enough to be uncomfortable.

"Well... I kinda figured it'd be better to, like... keep that fact on your mind, rather than just all of a sudden be like 'oh my god, hey, we're suddenly six thousand feet in the air'." Danneel laughed, a sound that was warm and real, never failing to be a comfort.

Genevieve floundered for a moment, half tempted to ask if they were really six thousand feet up, until her logic kicked in, calming her only slightly. "Do you see the boys?" She asked instead, too afraid to look anywhere but in her own lap.

"I see Jared," Danneel confirmed, rolling her eyes so hard, Gen swore she could almost hear it.

"You see mine, and not yours? Should I be worried about this fact?" Gen accused playfully, talking just for the sake of talking, trying to pass the time until the wheel spun them back to the ground, because really? She never should have let them pressure her into getting on this thing.

"Oh, honey," Danneel huffed in amusement, "He's nine feet tall, wearing a pink shirt, and is currently lugging around something that may, or may not, be an eighty pound, blue gorilla."

Gen laughed suddenly, an unexpected release of tension. "Do you realize that you exaggerate in almost everything you say?" She asked, turning to face her friend.

"Well," Danneel shrugged, "It's easier than actually, like, stopping to take the time to calculate and measure, and try to add up facts and figures, like... I'd have to go down there and actually grab that thing if I wanted to guess how much it weighed, and then like, compare my own height to Jared, if I wanted to know how tall he actually, was. 'Course I'd also have to take off my shoes, beca--"

"Okay!" Gen laughed, raising a hand to silence Danneel. "Okay, I get it. Exaggerations are your friend," She concluded easily, realizing that somehow... they'd already made it to the top of the sky. She looked around, but not down, eyes taking in the tops of buildings, a wide expanse of air, her best friend... and nothing more.

"It's like a private world," She mused softly, turning her focus down to study her hands, knuckles paled from gripping the bar so tightly.

"It's quiet," Danneel added, sounding like she appreciated the fact.

"Mmm... not really," Gen scrunched up her face, listening to the sounds of playful screams and cheesy pop songs all competing for attention.

"No, it is," Danneel shook her head, as Genevieve nodded her own. She understood. "Are you scared?"

Gen took a deep breath, sitting still for a moment as she catalogued her feelings. She felt steady and safe, no sweating, no shaking. But, there was something else, a kind of swoop in her stomach. One that reminded her of first kisses and fast cars, stepping in front of a camera for the first time on a new set. "No," She answered honestly, lips pulling into a small smile as she turned to Danneel, studying the lack of expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked, feeling concern edge into her heart. Danneel looked distracted, confused, maybe. Like she had a dozen things to say, but just wasn't sure where to start. Her concern plummeted into full blown fear, as the ride suddenly stuttered, dropping them down a few feet within a second. She gasped loudly, hands flying back to the bar, as Danneel stiffened beside her.

"Shit," Gen closed her eyes, trying to will them both down. "Shit, shit, shit..."

"No, it's okay," Danneel's voice was loud and sure, but barely a comfort, all the same.

"No, what? No!" Gen felt herself panic, logic slipping as she felt her chest tense up. "It's not okay! This is not okay!" She persisted, ignoring the fact that they were perfectly stable now, moving at a slow, steady pace toward the ground.

"Yes, yes it is," Danneel pushed, shifting to wrap one arm around Gen's shoulder's, bringing her free hand to cover Gen's over the bar. "Honestly, please trust me, everything is fine," She soothed, voice sounding trustworthy. Gen kept her eyes shut, thinking silently, seriously, realizing that Danneel was trustworthy, and always had been. She was a perfect friend, always honest and courageous. She was fun and fashionable, but never bitchy or backstabbing.

Genevieve moved her hand, letting it rest over Danneel's, fingers squeezing lightly as she felt Danneel's lips press softly to her cheek. It was a common gesture, one they'd share often. Always soft and playful, but never lacking realism. It was very real; a soft, slow i love you. It was the physical representation of words they'd never say, truths they'd never tell, and it was enough... or at least, it had been. But now?

Now it wasn't.

Gen kept her eyes closed as he turned her face, tightening her hand over Danneel's, as their lips met softly, almost not at all. It was soft and bare, a tease of pink lipgloss against strawberry chapstick. Danneel made a noise, low in her throat, quiet and almost inaudible. But, Gen heard it, because she was tuned in, always listening closely when Danni was around.

The kiss stayed bare, not really a kiss at all, as the car jolted beneath them, sending a shock through Gen's legs. She felt a warm breeze push Danneel's hair to lick at their faces, a cashmere tickle, and nothing more.

There was bang, a click, a thump, a cough, and a sudden release of the lapbar being raised. Gen felt her breath hitch as she finally pulled away, opening her eyes to find the cracks in the cement; longer and deeper than they had been before. The air was more still now, more calm and almost boring. The music didn't echo across the clouds, the way it did while they were... what was it? Six thousand feet in the air. But, it didn't matter, nothing did. Because while cotton candy was nothing but spun sugar and dye, Gen had something new to taste. Something stickier, sweeter, and hopefully... hers.


challenge: schmoop bingo, pairing: (spnrps) harris/cortese, rating: pg, fandom: supernatural, !summer of saywut

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