Pop the Cap with a Snap [Jared/Chad]

Jun 20, 2010 23:28

Title: Pop the Cap with a Snap
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Chad Michael Murray (I mean, what? No... I didn't. Oh wait, yes I did.)
Rating: R for language (sorry for the lack of porn)
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 1700
Summary: Jared is bored and Chad is fun.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: Written for the 'memories' square on my schmoop_bingo card. Also, I blame dodger_sister for this pairing, it's her fault. Dedicated to you baby! Also, no disrespect to Genevieve, I'm cool with her having Jay IRL. This, uh, this is fiction, mmkay?

Jared was in a bad mood, a rarity that came, well, rarely. It wasn't that anything bad had happened, it was just that nothing had happened at all, not lately. His life had fallen into some sort of abyss of same thing, same time, same place. And it wasn't terrible, not really. It was just sort of hard for him to handle, hard for him to be comfortable in something that was so comfortable. He liked thrill and risk and impulse and fun. And Genevieve? She really liked comfortable.

It was why his heart had done something he'd deny to this day as Chad Michael Murray walked through his door, all messy hair and untucked shirt. The party was supposed to be semi-formal, and for the most part, the whole room was filled with a sea of slacks and skirts. But not Chad, damn, he did not know how to dress. Someone was definitely gonna give him shit for that later, but it wouldn't be Jared, because Jared was thrilled.

"Hey, asshole," Chad grinned wide and bright as he crowded himself into Jared's personal space, sucking the air out from around him. It'd been a long time since they'd last seen each other, Christmas, maybe. They talked on the phone whenever it was possible, but... it was rarely possible, Jared supposed, because he couldn't really remember the last time they'd done that either.

Twenty minutes worth of "Where you been, man?" and "Shut the fuck up, you did not," later, Jared had pulled them into the upstairs bathroom, locking the door behind them. They had a bottle of Whiskey and a marker and an iPod, and Jared wasn't sure why, but that was enough. They'd settled into the empty bathtub, legs tangled awkwardly between them as they struggled to get comfortable against the porcelain. Jared had the tap digging into his back, but he didn't care, because... because he'd never crammed himself, fully dressed and half drunk, into a bathtub with Genevieve, had he? This wasn't comfortable.

And Jared liked it that way.

Chad was laughing, giggling at something that Jared had missed. "You remember when you almost burned our house down, man?" Chad's voice came out broken and strained, struggling to steady itself around his laughter. Jared felt his mouth drop open at the accusation. "Dude! I did not! There wasn't even fire!" Jared retorted as the memory of that day hit him. They'd been trying to bake cookies, for a reason that Jared couldn't remember. They smelled the smoke before they saw it, and by the time Jared finally got to the kitchen, sliding in on his socks, the room was being eaten up by black fog.

"Fuck yes there was, Jay!" Chad threw his head back, hitting it off the wall behind him. He winced through his laughter, rubbing his hand over the back of his head as Jared punched him in the knee.

"I definitely got them out before there was fire." Jared confirmed in a monotone voice, knowing he was blatantly lying, but Chad didn't need to know that. Chad wouldn't even care.

"Dude, no." Chad settled down just slightly, slumping down lower in the tub as he took a drink from the bottle they'd been sharing. "You were totally running around the kitchen for like nine minutes before you finally got your shit together and threw those damn things out the window. You were like a grade-A spaz that day." Chad grinned wickedly, a familiar expression, and Jared suddenly wasn't laughing anymore.

"Oh, fuck you." He said easily, without venom, as Chad shifted forward, grabbing at his arm. Jared didn't pull back, feeling only slightly regretful at that decision as he watched Chad uncap the blue Sharpie with his teeth, popping the cap with a snap that echoed in the suddenly silent space.

"Dunno how Gen puts up with you, asshole," Chad's voice was low and distracted as he ran the tip of the marker over Jared's arm, cold and wet on his skin. His words were mumbled around the pen cap, still held between his teeth.

Jared just shrugged, feeling something tense about the moment. "She loves me, I suppose." He sighed exaggeratedly, grinning softly.

"Yeah, well," Chad turned Jared's arm, wrapping his hand tighter around it, "So do I. And I can't put up with your shit." Chad shook his head slowly, still hilariously immersed in his grade school art work.

"Well she loves me different from the way you love me." Jared laughed softly, amused by the way the conversation had turned. He was fairly sure that Genevieve didn't even like Chad that much, and he had a suspicion that the feeling was mutual. "Plus I put out for her, so she sticks around." Jared said the words with his most serious voice.

"So," Chad ran the marker back over a line he'd already made, "by that logic, if I'd put out for you, you wouldn't have moved out?" He frowned softly, and it confused Jared for a moment.

"No." Jared huffed in amusement, unsure of how exactly to react. "I mean yes." He nodded, before realizing he had no clue what had even been asked of him. "I mean, what?" Jared felt his face knit into an expression of deep confusion as Chad shifted again, dropping Jared's arm before climbing awkwardly out of the tub, not managing to have any grace while doing it.

"Where are you going?" Jared didn't like the newly provided space in the tub, didn't like that he had room to stretch out and get comfortable. He watched as Chad stretched beside him, before fumbling though his pockets for his iPod. "I should probably head home, it's getting late, right?" He was distracted again, thumbing through pages on the device.

"It's not... that late." Jared tried to convince himself as well as Chad. Something about him leaving was really hard to handle. Having him there with him was like having a part of his old, fun life back. He opened his mouth to say as much, when Chad cut him off by dangling his earphones in front of his face.

"Here," He tossed the iPod into Jared's lap before turning for the door. "I'll come back for it some day." He nodded easily, positively, like he wanted Jared to really believe the words.

Jared hadn't even pressed play before deciding to stumble out of the tub and make his way down the stairs, hoping that Chad hadn't left. He'd looked at the screen, and that was all he'd needed, a title, not even. Just a number, just a computer code. Just 'aro86', pure gibberish that meant fuck all, but Jared knew what it was. It was some song, some random song by some random band, a garage band that Chad had bought a CD from, feeling bad for them that one night they played at a bar they used to go to. A song that was so terrible, so fucking ridiculous, that of course they needed to listen to it every day. Of course they'd play it, and laugh and sing along when they'd drive for hours into the middle of nowhere when they both had a day off. And, of course it was the song they ran on repeat the day they moved in together, tying their lives together in something that was comfortable in a way that living with Genevieve never could be.

And that was when Jared realized that it wasn't the comfort, the simplicity, the same shit, different day that he hated about his life. It was that he was having it without Chad. And Chad was... heading out the door.

"Hey, wait," Jared jumped the last three steps, thankful for his long stride as he caught up easily, grabbing Chad by the arm.

"Hey, what's up, Jay?" Chad smiled, but didn't stop, just kept moving out the door, and Jared let himself be dragged along for the ride.

"You..." Jared wasn't even sure what he wanted to say, wasn't even sure what he wanted to accomplish with this, any of this, but... he kissed him. Jared Paddywhack kissed Chad Michael Mayhem, and it was easy, and it was right, and it was comfortable, and Chad kissed him back.

"Damn," Chad pulled away, wrapping one hand around Jared's wrist at the same time. "If I'd have known that song had that effect on people, I coulda been -- "

"Shut the hell up." Jared grinned against Chad's skin, claiming his mouth and refusing to let it slip away. His wedding ring felt heavy on his hand, a burning, freezing, solid reminder of the mess he was in. But, he could deal with that later, because now?

Now he had some ass to kick.

"Grade-A Spaz, Chad, really?" Jared pulled away as he caught sight of his arm for the first time, with the title scrawled across his skin in bubble letters, all colored in in a way that would make it impossible to wash off.

"Well, hey, in my defense, there was fire, and you -- " Chad jumped away as Jared swung at his chest, missing by a fraction of an inch.

Jared couldn't keep his smile from taking over his face, all deep dimples and bright eyes. He didn't even want to try, because this was a moment too perfect to ruin with trying to make things normal, expected, sane.

"I'll help you wash it off?" Chad offered in earnest as he shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking back on his heels in that way he always did when he'd just met a dude after fucking his daughter.

Jared raised his eyebrows, letting out an amused sigh as he closed the space that the brawl-that-almost-was had caused between them.

"Yeah?" He wrapped one arm around Chad's waist, pulling him across the extra inch.

"Yeah." Chad agreed easily, sincerely, and Jared had a feeling this was going to be a good kind of comfortable.


pairing: (cwrps) padalecki/murray, challenge: schmoop bingo, fandom: supernatural, !summer of saywut, rating: r

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