Something in Your Mouth [SPN/RPS]

Jun 13, 2010 00:05

Title: Something in Your Mouth
Pairing: Misc = (Misha/Mark), (Richard/Jared), (Sam/Adam), (Jared/Jensen), (Dean/Cas),(Ruby/Anna), (JDM/Matt), (Dean/Gabe), (Chuck/Mistress), (Sam/Ed), (Smith/Wesson)
Rating: PG13 - NC17
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 11 Seperate Drabbles (100-200 words)
Summary: A whole lot of blowjobs and oral fixations involving SPN characters and RPS.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: Written for transfixeddream's any pairing prompt: "You're so much cooler when you never pull it out, 'cause you look so much cuter with something in your mouth."

Misha Collins/Mark Pelligrino

Misha is talkative. This much is certain. Upon meeting him, this is what first struck Mark, like a bolt of lightning... or a kick to the chest. Misha had words, he had thoughts and opinions, and be damned if anyone knew a way to shut him up. Until, one day, Mark cracked it.

"Where the fuck did you learn to suck cock like this?" Mark is laying flat on the bed, feet on the floor, hands on the blanket. Misha is between his legs, licking, sucking, not answering Mark's words, because, damn, If this is the way to shut this dude up, then Mark's more than happy to be the one to do it. He's pretty sure he likes Misha better this way.

Richard Speight Jr./Jared Padalecki

There were three things that were physically striking to Jared about Richard. Three that really stood out, that couldn't be ignored even if Jared tried. First, he was short, shorter than Jensen, which was basically Jared's human measurement system. Second, he was soft, in a way that was sort of confusing. Third... was his mouth. This gorgeous, perfect mouth. And eventually... that last one? It sort of became first and second, as well.

It was an accident, the first time. Just a drunken moment that went a little too far.

"Your lips... are so hot," Jared ran his thumb over Richard's bottom lip, watching with intent as he did. Richard pulled back just slightly, but not to get away. Because, he was pulling Jared with him, dragging him down on the couch. And Jared finally gets his first taste.

Sam Winchester/Adam Milligan

Adam knows Sam by now, well enough to hate him. Not him, exactly, but that fucking perma-frown that never leaves his face. Adam's not sure why it bothers him, or why he should even care. Sam Winchester's life is one giant ball of angst, all fucked up and complicated, full of death and crime and horror and pain. If Sam Winchester was doing anything but frowning, Adam may have been inclined to hate him even more.

Until, one day, he rethinks this logic.

Because, Sam's doing this thing, this thing that he does unconsciously, usually when he's on his laptop, doing whatever it is that Sam does. He bites at the end of his pen, holding it in his mouth as he concentrates on the keys, wrapping his lips around it, sucking at it, nipping at it, and Adam's pretty sure that Sam's mouth is good for more than frowning.

He's not sure how, he's not sure when, but someday, someday soon... Adam's gonna make sure that he finds out just how good it really is.

Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles

Jared won't admit it; not that there's anyone who'd ask. He loves Jensen, and Jensen knows. Jared tells him, Jared tells everyone, really. But this... this isn't the part he keeps secret, not even close. Not really.

It's that other thing, that thing Jensen does, that thing that drives Jared crazy, makes him dizzy with lust. The way he's so hungry for Jared's cock, always. He's good at it, could make it a goddamn profession, a professional cocksucker, and this thought makes Jared laugh. Until, it doesn't anymore, because it's not a fucking joke. Jensen knows how to flick his tounge along the slit of Jared's cock, get it wet and warm before blowing on it, cold and tingly. He knows how to swallow it down, nice and slow and tight. He knows how to run his teeth along the shaft, a soft-sharp tug that sends Jared over the edge, every fucking time, and oh --

Yeah, that too.

He swallows Jared's come with a practiced ease, throat working to drag it down as Jared pulses into his mouth, breathless and sated and boneless on the bed.

And fuck. Jensen doesn't even break a sweat.

Dean Winchester/Castiel

It's an accident, more than anything, that's Dean's story, and he's sticking to it. He did intend to get Cas off, make him come, make him... well, that's all, really. There were things that Castiel needed to experience, and Dean wouldn't even try to deny the fact that he'd never let Cas go off with some stranger. Chastity had her chance, back in the day, before Cas was more like a brother than an accomplice. But now, no one's touching him. Not if Dean can help it.

And, so what if it maybe got a little stressful, stroking at Castiel's cock while the angel just stared at him, wide eyed and silent and awkward. Dean needed to make it better, get Cas to close those damn eyes, and maybe... maybe that required the use of the back of Dean's throat.

But, it was an accident, and if you tell Sammy, well, Dean's got a full set of knuckles, and a nice shiny gun, and --


Ruby's done it before, had it, licked it, felt it, fucked it. But never like this, this heavenly little angel spread out in front of her. She'd doubted herself, if only for a moment, having the ability, the skills it must take to pleasure an angel.

But, oh no. Inside is an angel, something sacred and pure. But, this? This is just a body. It's just warm, wet, waiting flesh, and oh yeah.

Ruby's got the skills.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Matt Cohen

Jeff's rather amused by the entire situation, if he's being completely honest. People do it constantly; compare him to Matt, just because they've played the same character, embodied John Winchester, slipped into that jacket. But, Matt is different from Jeff in a million and eight ways, with the eighth one being Jeff's favorite.

Matt sucks his cock, gets down on his knees, just takes it, nice and easy. Jeff never asked, never even hinted. He never expected it, or even considered that he'd want that. Until, one night, Matt had had enough of licking his lips, Jeff supposes. Because, he sank down between Jeff's legs, snapped his damn belt as he fumbled to undo it, and sucked him off like it was the sweetest thing in the world.

Jeff's not gay, Jeff's not even bi. Jeff never returns the favor. But, if Matt wants to be his cocksucking slut, well, Jeff's not gonna say no. He's pretty sure he prefers the young Winchester when he's down on his knees anyway.

Dean Winchester/Gabriel

Gabriel likes ice cream, with a passion that is sickening. Dean watches in amusement, as Gabriel licks at his cone. Always a pink cone, and Dean won't ask why. It's sort of pathetic, how much he loves it, licks it like he needs it, and oh, it so annoying. He gets his damn mouth covered in the cream, melted and sticky along his lips. He licks it off, of course, because Dean's pretty sure that's Gabriel's life calling, or something. It drips over his hand, pooling between his fingers. Dean is... disgusted. Especially when Gabriel licks that too, just like he licks every other goddamn thing that gets covered in sugar. He sucks at his skin, surely bruising it with the force, with the desperation he has to get at every last drop. It's absolutely sickening, and annoying, and just so... Gabriel.

And if you asked Dean Winchester how hard his dick is right now, you could be damn sure he'd lie.

Chuck Shurley/Mistress Magda

He doesn't like her much, no more than any of the other girls. She's not a stunning beauty, or a smooth talker, or even a discount lay. But, Chuck Shurley will never call another, because no one else has a mouth like hers. He's not even a blow job kinda guy, not really, anyway. He likes to lay back and let girls ride him, quick and easy and never a disappointment. But not this girl, because her talent is in her mouth.

Ed Zeddmore/Sam Winchester ♥

Sam feels guilty for it; almost... but not quite. The way he's pushing at Ed, testing his limits, sending him over edges, just because he can. Ed's not a moron, not certifiably, anyway. But, he is a bonehead, determined to one-up Sam at every situation they find themselves in.

So, when the situation happens to be Sam straddling over Ed's face, pushing his cock into his mouth, well, who could blame Sam for all the "harder, deeper, faster, tighter" that may... or may not... have slipped from his lips as he fucked into Ed's. Because Sam knows that this little Ghostfacer won't ever deny him what he asks. So, harder, deeper, faster, tighter?


Sam says it a lot.

Dean Smith/Sam Wesson

Dean sure he's behind in his work, is vaguely aware of the emails flashing on his screen, can distantly hear the sound of work heels clacking over the linoleum that lines the office floors, floors which Mr. Wesson has become well acquainted with by now. It started very suddenly, months of flirting and touching, all building to a head, until... well, head.

Sam makes a habit out of it, coming by on Dean's lunch break every fucking day, spending every moment of it under Dean's desk as he plays with his cock, gets it hard, gets it wet, teases the swollen tip with the silk of Dean's goddamn tie. He takes his time, plays at every throbbing vein, touches it lightly, licks with a pressure so soft, there's barely any moisture left behind. He does it for half an hour, for fuck's sake; just teases Dean's cock until it's aching to fuck. And then... that's when he finally sucks Dean off.

When there's only one minute left of lunch, sixty seconds on the clock, Sam throats down Dean's cock, sucking hard, fast, tight, fuck!

Dean's sure he's behind in his work.


pairing: (spnrps) collins/pellegrino, fandom: supernatural, pairing: (spnrps) padalecki/speight, rating: nc17, rating: pg13, pairing: (spn) smith/wesson, pairing: (spn) dean/castiel, rating: r

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