Occupied [Chris/Jonathan]

May 27, 2010 16:30

Title: Occupied
Pairing: Chris Colfer/Jonathan Groff
Rating: NC17
Warnings: light bondage, crossdrossing, semi-public
Words: 1500
Summary: A trip to the mall gets real interesting real quick.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: Prompt: I want Chris in garters, heels, panties the whole deal, (even corset?), and tied up, not allowed to touch himself, just allowed to take it. There will eventually be more (a Mark chapter and a Cory chapter, yay!) with more porn, lol. After I'm done with my current projects, I'll get back to it.

Jonathan fought to keep interest as he followed Chris through the department store, wondering how he could be so enthralled by the wall of belts for the last half hour. The belts he already had were sort of perfect on him. But, Chris was a bit of fashion slut, which caused Jonathan to end up standing in this exact place almost every weekend.

"Can you get that red one for me?" Chris looked back over his shoulder, arm stretched up and not quite reaching the end of a red leather belt. Jonathan smirked as he tugged it down, dangling it in front of Chris's face before letting him snatch it away.

"Thank you." Chris slid one hand over Jonathan's hip as he studied the belt in the other. "I don't want it."

"Oh my God." Jonathan laughed as he rolled his eyes with exaggeration. "Seriously?" His eyes were wide as he backed up, bumping into a rack behind him.

Chris let out an amused huff as hangers clattered to the floor, bringing the merchandise down with them. Jonathan bit his lip as he looked as Chris, feeling sheepishly guilty as Chris started to laugh.

"Oh my God, Jon, seriously?" Chris mocked as he moved to help clean up the mess.

"Shut up." Jonathan blushed faintly as he knelt down, trying to untangle and gather the... bras and panties that he'd knocked down. They were the fancy kind, all silks and satins, soft under his fingers as he worked on untangling straps and lace from the fallen hangers.

"Ugh, some of these are so tacky." Chris screwed his face up into a look of pure disgust, and although Jon wasn't exactly qualified to be a fashion critic, he had to agree.

"Ha, look at this." He grinned as he passed an orange bra over to Chris, who dropped it in disgust as Jonathan continued laughing.

"No one would ever wear that." Chris kept his hand in mid air as he spoke. "At least, I hope not."

Jonathan cleared his throat as they worked on the mess, trying to match sets back together. A lot of the pieces were terrible, more amusing than arousing, but there was one set that caught his eye.

"How 'bout this one." He held it up for Chris. "Would anyone ever wear this?" His mind wandered to images of women wearing exactly this, a boned black corset with faint traces of purple throughout the lace that covered it. It had garter straps and matching panties, and fuck... he was getting hard.

"That... is sort of gorgeous, actually. Yeah, people would wear that." Chris smirked as he nodded. "Hell, I'd wear that."

Jonathan felt his face flush suddenly, without warning, as his whole train of thought shifted.

He wasn't thinking about girls anymore.

"Oh yeah?" He pressed on, desperate to keep the image in his mind as he shifted closer to Chris on the floor. "You'd wear this?" He brushed his hand along Chris's thigh. "For me?"

Chris's grin lit up the room.

Jonathan's fingers trembled as he ran them down the hard edges of the corset, fitted tightly over Chris's body. He'd never done anything like this, never played around this way, but it was... it wasn't exactly terrible. They were in a dressing room in the middle of the department store, which was another thing Jon had never done. He was fairly sure that Chris hadn't, either. Chris was smiling bashfully, eyes dark as he took a step backward, tripping over his own discarded jeans. He let one arm fly back, bracing himself against the wall as his hand hit the plaster above his head.

Jonathan bit his lip, watching as Chris's hand got tangled in the lacy bra hanging on the hook behind him.

"Wait, wait," Jon crossed the small room, covering his body over Chris's as he wound the bra straps around Chris's wrists, pinning them together over his head.

"Jay..." Chris sounded unsure, a little shaky, and Jonathan silenced him with a kiss. He let his lips linger over Chris's for longer than he'd intended, but he tasted so soft and sweet.

"If you want to stop.." Jonathan didn't finish his thought, hoping that Chris wouldn't stop this, whatever it was. He pushed up against him, closing the space between them as he let his body take in the feeling of lace and silk.

"Don't stop." Chris finally replied, turning his head to the side. Jonathan flashed a predatory smile as he dipped his head, bending to lick and bite at the skin offered to him. Chris tasted sweet, something that reminded him of ice cream. He let his body pin Chris harder against the wall, his wrists still hopelessly tangled in the garment above him. He had lace thigh highs pulled up his legs, a dark, shiny black. He was wearing the panties, something that Jonathan hadn't been sure if he'd do. He was more than glad that he had decided to, though. He looked fucking beautiful.

Chris let out a soft moan as Jonathan trailed his hands over his body, feeling every inch of exposed skin, and testing the texture of the lace over the skin that wasn't. It was exciting and intriguing and so fucking hot. He let his hands fall to Chris's waist, fingers stuttering just slightly as he ran them along the bottom of the corset, making their way down between his legs. Jonathan took a sharp breath as his fingers brushed against Chris's cock, hard and solid under the softness of the silk. It was a feeling that triggered as... incorrect in his mind, some weird oxymoron that sent a shock through his hand as he worked his fingers over the stiffened flesh, pulling moans from Chris that just kept getting longer and louder. He rubbed harder, feeling his own pants get uncomfortably tight as the panties strained over Chris's hard cock, slipping down slowly as Jonathan's hand pushed against them.

"You're so damn beautiful." He leaned in further, bracing his free hand against the wall beside Chris's pinned arms. Chris didn't have time to react or reply before Jonathan was pushing his hand down into the panties, mind sparking again at the contrast between soft and hard. The back of his hand was brushing softly against the delicate, cool fabric of the panties, while his palm was stroking hard against the hot, throbbing feel of stiff, desperate cock.

Chris was breathing deeply, panting hard as his head leaned back against the wall. His body was slumping, and Jonathan's breath caught in his throat at the sight. He didn't remember making any conscious decision to drop to his knees, but before his mind could weigh over the options, he was pulling the panties down roughly, licking his lips at the waiting cock in front of him.

"Jon, not here, we can't--" Chris's warning was cut off with a sudden intake of breath as Jonathan flicked his tounge over the head of his cock, getting it wet before taking it into his mouth. Chris was biting his lip, straining the muscles in his legs as he tried to keep balance. Jonathan's hand wrapped around the base of his cock, keeping it steady as he took more, feeling the head push against the back of his throat. He moaned around the stiff skin, knowing the way Chris liked the vibration.

"Fuck--" Chris was writhing against the wall, slumping down further and further, arms extended above his head. Jonathan reached his free hand up, running his fingers up over the corset, getting him harder and hotter as each inch passed under his fingertips.

"I -- I'm ..." Chris was flexing his fingers above his head, clenching them into fists as his face flushed deeply. Jonathan tightened his hand, sucking down harder, taking more than he'd ever been able to throat, and Chris came suddenly, long, hot spurts into his mouth. Jonathan closed his eyes as he worked on swallowing, throat struggling around Chris's still hard cock. He pulled off slowly, feeling the come drip thickly over the corners of his lips. Chris was panting hard, body lifeless against the wall. Jonathan wiped the corners of his mouth with his fingers, half tempted to lick it up.

" 's good." Chris's eyes were closed, he looked half asleep. Jonathan grinned as he struggled to get to his feet, putting his hands on Chris's waist to help him up.

"Fuck." Jonathan pulled his hands back quickly, realizing he'd just used Chris's come as fingerpaint along the bottom of the corset.

Chris laughed dryly, voice hoarse and thick. "I guess we're gonna have to buy it."


pairing: !cannot has tag, fandom: glee, rating: nc17

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