Or Maybe More [Sam/Gabriel]

May 14, 2010 22:54

Title: Or Maybe More
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Unbeta'd, bottom!Gabe
Words: 1750
Summary: Five times Sam and Gabriel fucked, and the one time they didn't.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: A friend of mine asked me for "Five times Sam and Gabe almost fucked, and the one time they did". And, I thought about it for a while, and ended up switching it around, because I liked it better this way! haha.

Sam kept his head down as he thrust into Gabriel, hands on his waist, soft skin under his fingers. The archangel was bent over the sink in the bathroom, pants down around his knees, ass tight and wet and Sam was wasting no time using it. It was good, this thing that they were doing. It felt good, and well...no one was dying because of it. But it still felt sort of wrong. Sam kept his eyes low, trying desperately not to make eye contact in the mirror. It wasn't that he was ashamed to be doing this with Gabriel. Well, maybe it was. Or maybe it was just the fact that Gabriel was a man, and Sam knew, beyond a reason of a doubt, that he wasn't gay. But, Gabriel was a good guy, someone who he could trust, someone who'd always be around, someone who knew what he liked. And maybe he was a guy. But to Sam, all of that was better than the drunken waitresses Dean brought back.

And so, they fucked. They fucked hard and often. But they wouldn't kiss during it, wouldn't touch after it, and definitely wouldn't talk about it ever. Because it wasn't a relationship. It was just a fuck.


Sam bit his lip to quiet the moan that was threatening to break the silence in the car. The almost silence, anyway. He could hear Gabriel working on his cock, wet licking and sucking, perfect, warm mouth that never got tired or sore. Sam fisted his hands against the cool leather of the back seat, closing his eyes as Gabriel's tounge played over the tip of his dick, soft and teasing, and sofuckingperfect. He felt his hands twitch against the upholstery as Gabriel dipped back down, taking him in deep. He grasped for something to dig his fingers into, and it took him a second too long to realize that his hand had fallen on Gabriel's, on top of his thigh. His grip tightened on the archangel's hand as Gabriel did something with his tounge that Sam tried to commit to memory, but couldn't. Because all there was was warm and black and wet and soft and Gabriel. And their fingers tangled together on Sam's lap.

Sam definitely didn't like it.


Sam had always sort of thought that Gabriel would be a bossy bottom. But he wasn't. Not really. He spread his legs easily, and Sam was fucking happy that the angel didn't need much time for prep, because Dean wouldn't be gone much longer, and Sam wasn't sure he could wait until next time. They'd never done it like this before, face to face, in the bed, because, well... that was sort of relationship-y. They usually had quick hand jobs in the back of the car, or Sam would pound into Gabriel in a gas station bathroom. Fast and dirty and no strings attached. And that was good. That was what they wanted.

Sam repeated that though to himself over and over as he pushed into Gabriel, bracing his hands above the angel's shoulders. Gabriel was moaning and trembling beneath him, face flushed and lips wet. Sam tried not to notice those details. Tried to focus on his body. The tight, soft heat gripping him, the strong hands clawing at his back. Not his face. Not his lips.

Not his lips.


The hot water rushed against Sam's back as he tried not to slip on the wet floor of the shower. It was hard to keep his balance when he had Gabriel's legs wrapped around his waist, skin slick and wet between them. Sam was tired, and rightfully so. It'd been a long day, and he couldn't even remember the last time he slept. He was slow and lethargic, tried to fuck Gabriel into the wall, but he just couldn't gather the energy. It was good, it was fine, what he was getting. The steam was warm and Gabriel was tight as ever. His body was soft and pulsing gently, and when did that start to matter? Sam sighed heavily, eyes focused on something distant.

Gabriel stilled against him, pulling his head back to lock his eyes on Sam's.

"Sammy?" Gabriel's voice was soft, almost inaudible under the rush of water. Sam just hummed in reply, leaning back slightly to put space between himself and the archangel.

"What's up, kiddo? You look like you short circuited." Gabriel's mouth twitched into a grin, slow and lazy, and Sam smiled back.

"Jus' tired." He yawned on cue, dropping his head against Gabriel's shoulder. Gabriel chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that happens."

Sam grinned against his shoulder, suddenly uncomfortable by the closeness that felt suspiciously like cuddling. Except for the fact that his dick was still balls deep in Gabriel's ass, and that made it okay, because they were fucking...even if they weren't.


Sam had woken up to an empty room, sunlight warm on his face, blankets heavy across his body...and an archangel straddling his waist. He didn't waste any time with the clothes or the prep or the boring stupid stuff that was seeming...less boring and stupid lately. Last night, he'd felt close to Gabriel. They spent a long time in the shower, just talking and touching, and that wasn't okay. It wasn't okay, and Sam couldn't like it. He couldn't let himself like it. And he hammered away all similar thoughts by making Gabriel gasp and moan and writhe and grind underneath him. It was harder and faster than ever before, and he felt guilty for a moment, sure that he must be hurting Gabriel. But Gabriel didn't object. He just took Sam in deeper, sucked at his fingers, kissed at his collarbone, and why was Sam focussing on that instead of the thing he wanted most?

Maybe it was because...he wasn't sure what he wanted most anymore.


The grass was warm under Sam's body, and he felt it dampen his shirt. He was laying next to Gabriel, in a field off the side of the road. Gabriel had insisted on snapping them away somewhere, to some lavish room, or a giant hot tub or something. But Sam dealt with enough weird shit throughout the day to be okay with letting his sex life turn into weird shit, too. So, he'd pulled the Impala off the side of the road, parked it under a tree and rolled out of the car with Gabriel, limbs tangled together as Sam worked his hand up Gabriel's shirt. They landed side by side in the grass, and Sam fought the urge to lean down and kiss him. The thought occurred to him naturally, like there was no reason to hesitate at all, like it was expected or needed. But it wasn't. They weren't like that. They didn't kiss.

Just like they didn't take long drives in the car, and park in secluded fields off the side of the road to...to what? The more Sam thought about it, the more he realized that he didn't want to have sex. He just wanted...something different.

He let himself lay down against the ground, keeping his hand under Gabriel's shirt. His skin was smooth under his fingers, and it wasn't so bad, really. Sam locked his eyes on the archangel's, seeing an unspoken question hidden in the honey. Sam shook his head. Gabriel didn't fight it.

And that was how they ended up there, laying side by side in a field. And a month ago, Sam would have laughed or screamed at the thought of doing this. Of being close and caring with a man, with Gabriel. But it didn't feel bad. It felt sort of...

"Sam?" Gabriel turned his head, and Sam moved his own, bringing their faces closer together. "You don't have to worry about that right now."

Sam closed his eyes, not sure if he was angry or embarrassed. He knew Gabriel did it often, read his mind like that, but that never seemed to make it any more expected. When he opened his eyes, he noticed a lot of things about Gabriel that he had never seen before. The color of his eyes, the flush of his cheeks, the shape of his lips...

His lips.

Sam inhaled sharply as Gabriel leaned in closer, brushing their lips together softly. It wasn't a kiss. Not quite. Sam panicked for a moment, unsure of what to do, how to react. But his body had already made up his mind for him, and he leaned into Gabriel, closing the space, feeling soft, warm lips on his. His mouth covered over Gabriel's, and he felt his fingers twitch against the archangel's skin. We waited for the discomfort to rip through him, waited for his brain to freak out, and his hands to push Gabriel away, but it didn't happen. It never happened. He just stayed on his side, laying against the grass, letting Gabriel trace his tounge along his lips, and it felt right. Like it was something that had been missing. Sam hadn't even realized he'd wanted it, but now he was sure. He let his hands tangle in Gabriel's hair, tease over his chest and his waist, and yeah, he was sure. He wasn't sure when it'd happened, but he knew it was true. Somewhere along the line, without intention, he'd fallen in love.

Gabriel smirked softly against Sam's lips, humming a quiet noise that sounded like pleasure and surprise all at once. Sam searched Gabriel's eyes as he leaned back. Gabriel's hand was on his chest, his legs tangled with Sam's, and it felt so warm, like a perfect fit. The kiss lasted for a long time, longer than any orgasm ever had. And, on some level, it felt better too. Neither of them noticed the sky getting dark, or the grass getting cold, because they were too busy meeting each other for the first time. Fingers entwined, breaths falling in sync, more than sex and need. It was friendship, Sam knew. Gabriel had become something more than a warm, willing body. And hopefully, sometime soon, Sam could start calling him even more than a friend.

Gabriel laughed softly against Sam's neck, and Sam felt him nod slowly.

"Anytime you want, Sammy. Anytime you want."


pairing: (spn) sam/gabriel, fandom: supernatural, rating: nc17

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