Lovestruck [Sam/Gabe]

Apr 14, 2010 21:11

Title: Lovestruck
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: R for language
Warnings: Definite schmoop.
Words: 1,600
Summary: Hot summer days. Long car rides. Confessions of love.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: So this was inspired by a Cascada song I was listening to earlier. But I refuse to say which one or why, for fear that this would be a sassy fic if it was connected to Cascada! lol.

Sam wasn't sure how Dean felt about it, really. It being his relationship with Gabriel. Well, it wasn't so much the relationship, as it was how serious it had gotten. In the beginning, it had been no more than a drawn out flirtation. They'd just sit a little too close to each other, lock eyes for a moment too long. And Dean knew this. Of course he knew this. It had taken him a while, though, to realize when they started fucking. Sam had been confused about Gabriel back then. He'd thought that it was all about lust. Physical contact, getting each other off. And for a while, that worked. The first time had been slow and careful, only because Sam hadn't done it before. But after that initial jump, it was all quick and dirty, sucking and fucking, until one wasn't.

Gabriel started staying after sex, and Sam would fall asleep with the angel in his arms. And then it got softer, slower, more caring. They'd take their time undressing each other, appreciating every inch of skin. And that was when Sam realized that Gabriel was not just a fuck. But still, even after that comprehension, Sam wasn't even close to understanding how serious it would end up being.

Now, he knew. He knew that the bed felt cold on the rare nights that Gabriel wouldn't be in it. He knew that picking up a box of Smarties when he paid for the gas wasn't a conscious decision anymore. And he knew that, more than anything, he was in love. And someday soon, he'd have to admit that.

"Okay, ready to roll." Dean walked into the motel room, hands covered in dark black streaks. He'd been in the parking lot for the last three hours, trying to fix the car. Sam had no idea what had even been wrong with it. His attention and focus was devoted to the archangel sitting on the end of his bed.

The drive was long, and way too hot. The summer heat was eating through the car like an acid, and Sam's skin was flushed and fevered. It didn't help that Gabriel was pressed up against him in the back seat, looking suspiciously unaffected by the heat. How was that fair?

Dean was driving quickly, desperate to get out of the heat, as if breaking the speed limit would dim the sun. Castiel was in the passenger seat, trenchcoat and all. It made Sam uncomfortable just looking at him and all his layers. He was speaking softly, words lost under the music Dean was playing. Sam couldn't hear any words, only catching the movement of his lips. Dean was nodding, replying just as soft, and Sam wondered how they could hear each other so well. And then he remembered all the times that he and Dean had worked well together, carrying out plans and decisions without ever having to say a word. Because sometimes, when you know someone that well, you don't need to hear their words to know their story. And if Sam was judging correctly, Dean and Cas didn't seem to need a lot of words lately.

Sam's attention was pulled away when he felt a gentle brush against his hand. Gabriel was tracing his fingers lightly along his skin. It was a warm, soft tug. Sam smiled at him as he took his hand, tangling their fingers together in his lap. Gabriel was being quiet, which was a rarity, to say the least. Sam liked it, though. He liked the fact that Gabriel was complex and complicated and confusing, and often needed a full dictionary of words and phrases to successfully make his point to most people. But not to Sam. Not anymore.

That was when he made the connection between himself and Gabriel to Dean and Cas. He hadn't really considered the relationship Dean had with his angel. To Sam, it seemed like they'd been playing schoolyard crush for the last year or so. He hadn't really paid much attention past that. But when he took the time to think about it, he noticed many parallels between the two couples. He made the decision to ask Dean about it later.

It was late by the time they finally hit the town they'd been staring at on the map all day. Dean was grumpy and tired, and the heat had Sam tense. Gabriel was still rather quiet, and Cas was just Cas. Unchanged, unaffected by the heat or the drive. Sam wondered briefly if Castiel ever had any moments of intense emotion... and immediately regretted the thought once images of him and Dean together started flooding into his mind.

Gabriel coughed over a laugh, eyes brightening slightly. Sam shot him a warning look that probably came out looking a lot less stern than he'd intended it to. He was used to Gabriel invading his headspace by now, and it had stopped bothering him a long time ago. It was annoying at times, but he wasn't really keeping any secrets from Gabriel anymore.

Sam watched as Dean fumbled with the key, finally getting the door unlocked with a metallic click. Cas followed closely behind him, disappearing into the cheap room. Sam leaned against the side of the Impala, feeling the door burn at his skin. It was sort of a welcome heat now, since the night was chilling the air. Gabriel had his hands in his pockets, standing a few feet away.

"C'mere" Sam smiled softly as he held out one arm, feeling his heart pound as Gabriel obeyed, pressing against him. He wrapped one arm around him, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"You've been quite." He spread one hand flat on Gabriel's back, pulling him closer. Gabriel just shrugged wordlessly. It wasn't normal behavior.

"Tell me what's wrong, babe." He moved his feet out further, leaning lower against the car. The height difference sometimes required extreme measures to level out.

"Nothing's wrong, Sam." Gabriel's voice was soft, almost sad. Sam hoped it wasn't sad. He raised one hand, running his fingers lightly through Gabriel's hair as he studied his face, looking for some clue to his behavior. There was nothing. Just warm eyes and soft lips that made Sam smile every time he got to look at them.

"Tell me what you're thinking, then." Sam punctuated his sentence with a kiss, bending in to press their lips together. It was quick and practiced, and sent sparks through Sam's body. Gabriel kissed him back, pressing into him a little harder than Sam had, holding on just a little longer. Sam's heart skipped suddenly as he considered that Gabriel may be preparing for a goodbye. He swallowed deeply, eyes darkening as he tilted his head, searching Gabriel's face frantically now.

"Sam! Don't be ridiculous! Jesus!" Gabriel pulled back slightly, face serious and dark. "I...I don't know..." He dropped his eyes, looking to the ground. Sam panicked. He'd never seen Gabriel suffer through any lack of words.

"W...what?" Sam tightened his grip on Gabriel's back, praying he wouldn't have to let go anytime soon. The silence lasted too long. Too quiet, too tense, too unfamiliar between them. The sky was black now, and the heat of the day had disappeared completely, leaving the Impala cold and hard behind Sam's back. So why was he sweating?

Gabriel brought his eyes back up, locking them on Sam's. Sam felt his breath catch in his throat. He couldn't describe Gabriel's eyes if he tried, there was no way that the words existed.

"I don't know how I feel, Sam...but," Gabriel looked worried, scared almost, as he pressed his body against Sam's once more, closing the space between them. "But it's, uh, it's nothing bad, anyway."

Sam took the words in slowly, turning them over and over in his mind. He smirked slightly, wondering if Gabriel was trying to say what he thought he was.

"You..." Sam started, tightening his fingers in Gabriel's hair. His heart leapt and stopped and ran too fast.

"I love you, Sam." Gabriel said finally, closing his eyes tightly immediately after the words left his lips. Sam felt his body go numb for just a second, nerves jolting too hard. It hadn't felt like that when Jess had said it.

He dropped his hand to Gabriel's face, pressing it softly to his cheek. Gabriel opened his eyes, and Sam would swear they were brighter than ever. The moment was tense and electric as he leaned down to kiss him, tilting his face up slightly. His lips were so soft, tasting faintly of chocolate. It was a taste that Sam had learned to associate with frantic lovemaking and lazy morning kisses. Gabriel leaned into him, squeezing his hands tightly on Sam's hips. Sam traced his thumb along Gabriel's jaw and bit softly at his lip. It was a perfect moment, and Sam forgot everything else around him. It was almost painful to pull away, to cut the contact, but it had to be done. Sam had something he really needed to say.

"I love you too, Gabriel." He smiled wide and bright, almost wanting to laugh. "More than you can imagine."

Gabriel bit his lip, trying to hold back a smile. "I think I can imagine it just fine."

Dean didn't ask questions when Sam and Gabriel walked into the room, smiling and touching and laughing. He didn't even ask when Gabriel fell asleep on top of Sam instead of beside him. He'd known all along that it would come to this, and he had a feeling he should get used to it.


pairing: (spn) sam/gabriel, fandom: supernatural, rating: r

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