18 Days [Sam/Gabe]

Apr 06, 2010 00:08

Title: 18 Days
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: R for language
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 1,600
Summary: Seventeen days apart from each other is painful. Eighteen...is completely unbearable.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights. Also don't own Saving Abel. I know. Life sucks.
Notes: So I just couldn't stop listening to the song 18 Days by Saving Abel today, and well...this happened. Short and sweet and so much schmoop.

It'd been 16 days since Sam last saw Gabriel, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. They'd separated awkwardly after things got a little heated. It was sort of random and unexpected, but so perfect at the same time. Gabriel had cornered him outside a motel in the middle of the night, crowding into his space, pressing his back against a soda machine. Sam had been glad to see him. They'd become good friends, and spent a lot of time together. But that moment...that moment was different. Because in that moment, Sam counted the colors in Gabriel's eyes. In that moment, Gabriel reached out to trace his fingers down Sam's chest. In that moment...Sam had felt his breath hitch as he leaned down to kiss Gabriel, stopping himself when he was less than an inch away. Gabriel had stepped forward, brushing their lips softly, in what couldn't even be considered a kiss. And then there was Dean. Drunk, angry Dean, pulling the Impala into the parking lot. And then Gabriel was gone. Without a word, without an explanation, just simply...gone.

Sam spent a lot of time thinking about what could have happened. Maybe Gabriel was about to push him away. Maybe he would have punched him. Maybe...maybe he wouldn't have. Gabriel had stepped forward. He'd leaned up on his toes, he wanted it. Sam wanted it. Sam still wanted it. He thought. That was the problem. He didn't know. Gabriel was amazing. He was attractive and hilarious and trustworthy and a perfect friend. And Sam couldn't deny that he...felt something for him. But his sudden absence over the last 16 days had given Sam time to think. To wonder.

He laid in bed that night, imagining a life with Gabriel. Falling asleep with him, waking up next to him, slow morning sex followed by a way too syrupy breakfast. It sounded like a fairy tale. And Sam Winchester did not deserve a fairy tale. There had to be a catch. Sam tossed and turned, awake in his bed for hours, trying to determine the downfalls of a relationship with Gabriel. It took him four hours to realize that there were none.

The morning came quickly after he fell asleep. The sun was too bright, and the car was already running. Dean was pulling his jacket on, talking on his cell phone. Sam smirked as Castiel appeared in the room, behind Dean, who would probably have a heart attack the second he turned around.

"Jesus, Cas!"

Sam laughed out loud, drawing the attention of both men.

Sam usually liked long drives in the Impala, he had since he was a kid. He sort of liked watching all the tiny towns flash by them, listening to Dean sing out the words of whatever it was that he was playing. But today was different. Today marked 17 days away from Gabriel, and Sam realized that it had been months since they'd spent that long apart. He felt a little worried, not knowing anything about where he was, what he was doing...who he was with. Sam swallowed deeply, pushing the image of Gabriel with a girl in his lap out of his mind. Sam had no right to be jealous or angry. Gabriel didn't belong to him. And Sam wasn't even sure that he wanted him to. No. He'd thought about it before. Fairy tales are never what they seem to be. Something would go wrong. Something.

Sam spent the rest of the day trying to sort through everything he knew about Gabriel, searching for the flaws and issues. There were some, definitely. Gabriel was sort of fucked up in a whole lot of ways. But Sam couldn't find one single flaw that wasn't amazing. He was loud and obnoxious, but Sam found that amusing. He was rarely serious, but that just made his serious moments all the more memorable. He was rather lewd and lavicious, but...well that would probably pay off well.

The day was boring and long, and Sam searched his laptop absent-mindedly, bookmarking pages over and over again. His mind was fully occupied with thoughts of Gabriel. His beautiful smile, his echoing laugh, his fingers on Sam's chest. God. Sam's mind was running wild with the possibilities of that night. The sky eventually darkened, and Sam spent another few hours awake in his bed, thoughts of one gorgeous archangel running through his mind. Eventually, sleep came for him, and when it did, he dreamed of Gabriel.

He woke at an ungodly hour, five in the morning was too damn early for anything. But the sun was rising already, low and dull on the horizon. The window was casting an orange glow across Dean's sleeping body, and Sam was wide awake. It'd been 18 days since the kiss that almost was. It felt like a lifetime. Sam slid out of bed, stepping quietly across the room, pulling his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He didn't really have any intentions of calling Gabriel, but he flipped the phone open anyway. One new text message. No one ever sent him texts. Especially not from unlisted numbers.

Broken down truck out back.

Sam bit his lip, crossing to the back window. He pulled the curtain aside, finding it quickly. Sure enough, there was a red, rusty truck sitting flat on the ground. The wheels were gone, the windows cracked, and who the fuck wanted Sam to know this?

He considered not going, just forgetting about it completely. But Sam was Sam. And Sam's curiosity would be the death of him. He was dressed and out the door in less that five minutes, not bothering to leave a note for Dean. He knew it was risky, anything or anyone could be in that damn truck, but he didn't have a bad feeling. Not really.

He was sure it was a good idea once he neared the vehicle, and saw what was waiting for him inside. A beautiful smile. A pair of eyes, six shades of green and brown. A face he hadn't seen in 18 goddamn days.

He slid into the passenger seat, unable to hold back his grin, until he remembered that he should probably be angry.

"Where the fuck did you go?" His voice was soft, careful, far from what he meant it to be. Gabriel's smile dimmed but didn't disappear.

"I needed to go with Castiel for a while. To search for God, I mean. His grace is weakening every day, and he needed someone strong to be with him."

Sam had expected a joke, some obnoxious remark about visiting Vegas or catching some waves. But Gabriel's face was serious, stern, and Sam felt bad for being angry. He'd hardly even realized that Cas had been gone, too.

"Oh." He didn't know what to say, couldn't bring himself to admit the things he wanted to.

"I came back...because..." Gabriel's voice was low as he looked away, studying his hands in his lap. "Because I missed you."

The words shot through Sam quickly, deeply, and he hoped to God that Gabriel wasn't fucking around.

"I missed you, Sam. I really did. I counted the days we were apart, and seventeen was a lot, but eighteen...was just too damn much." He locked his eyes on Sam's, and tilted his head to the side, in a patented Castiel fashion. "I think that...that we..."

Sam slid over on the bench seat, tangling his fingers in Gabriel's in one easy motion. Gabriel leaned into him, breathing deeply as he struggled to finish his words. "I think that we shouldn't be apart anymore, Sam." He closed his eyes, wincing at his words. Sam worried that he regretted them already.

"What do you mean by that, Gabe?" Sam tested, needing to know if Gabriel meant it. Dear God, he hoped he meant it.

"I mean...you and me, Sam." Gabriel leaned in closer, and Sam wrapped one arm around his shoulders, feeling him warm under his skin.

"You and me?" Sam smiled softly, leaning down to bring their faces closer together. Gabriel nodded as he licked his lips.

"Yep. You and me."

Sam brushed his fingers along Gabriel's jaw, tilting his face up to press their lips together. It was soft, sweet, and tasted of chocolate. Sam moaned against Gabriel's skin, memorizing the curve of his lips. Gabriel was smiling, running his thumb over Sam's cheek, brushing against the stubble that had grown there over the last couple of days. They stayed like that for a long time, feeling the heat of the day burn up between them. The silence was comfortable, perfect, and the sunshine was starting to glare off the cracked windshield, sending rays of warm, reflective light all around them.

"Sam?" Gabriel's voice was soft, close to Sam's ear. Sam pulled back slightly, keeping one arm around Gabriel's shoulders, the other hand pressed flat over his chest.

"Promise me that eighteen days from now...you'll still be with me, just like this?" Gabriel smirked playfully as he rose one hand to cover Sam's. Sam grinned as he nodded.

"And eighteen days after that?" Gabriel pressed. Sam laughed and nodded again.

Sam had heard the expression that all good things come to an end. He'd always believed that nothing could be perfect. For the most part, that was probably completely true. But, if you're willing to fight for it to work, well...maybe it would.

And Gabriel was definitely someone worth fighting for. So maybe, just maybe...Sam Winchester would get his fairy tale.


pairing: (spn) sam/gabriel, fandom: supernatural, rating: r

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