Welcome to my Nightmare?

Apr 01, 2010 19:54

So I just wanted to post something here, seeing as I haven't for quite a long time. It's so rough having two seperate journals, but also REALLY nice, because I'm a freak when it comes to organization, and my fic journal is now really intesely organized and pretty perfect, so that's good.

So, what's been on my mind lately...oh. This.

A lot of the stars of Supernatural have been talking about fanfic...well mostly slash fic....at cons and in interviews lately (I blame Misha), and it's KILLING MY HEAD!

Because NOW, reality and pervy-slashy-fiction are totally blurring together sooo hard! Misha's so dirty that it's getting to the point where I'm unlcear on certain things. I'm always forgetting if Misha REALLY said these things, or if I slash-fic-read it. I never know anymore! And now Rob's been making some comments, which is really messed up, because like...I was GOING to write a Rob/Misha fic (yes really, i dont know, dont bother asking), set at LA Con, but alas, the boys were talking about slash fic there. So, I'm...writing slash fic about two men who talk about slash fic which has been written about their characters, which I've written...? So...I'm essentially writing about the existance of my own fic by writing about the discovery of said fic by Rob? Oooh Rob, how floored you must be, baby. Yes, people write porn about you. Sweet, dear Rob. I'm sorry. I feel like my brain is starting to just implode and end up with some crazy house of mirrors effect!

Life and Fandom are just one huuge fuck fest for these boys, I think. Good conclusion, Casie, way to go. Okay thats all.
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