Aug 20, 2009 22:54
I'm currently feeling very sorry for two people in the public eye for the wrong reason.
All day I've been swearing at the news and the internet for picking on Caster Semenya, the poor South African lass who has been quite unfairly treated by the IAAF. My main worry is that they will find out that she is intersexed or similar; not that it is a bad thing, just that it is a hellish awful way to find out. Plus anything that casts any doubt on her 'femininity' may stop her from competing again, which must be an awfuk thought to be hanging over her. Who in the name of all that's good thought letting the news of the tests out before the final race was a good idea!
Now we've got the American's whining that the Scots have the temerity to think for themselves. For a majority Christian country , they seem to have forgotten the whole forgiveness bit that the beardy bloke kept going on about. I have to admit to not knowing the full details of this case, but there does seem to be a lot of doubt as to the guilt, and even without that - the guy's dying!! He is not going to enjoy these months of freedom, but by letting him spend this time with his family, surely Scotland comes out as looking like a mature developed nation above petty retributions? The Scottish justice minister just got absolutely savaged on newsnight, and I think he has been having to make the same defenses to every news programme in the country, plus probably a lot of international ones as well.
I just keep feeling that most people are insensitive, unthinking bastards, and its not a good feeling to have.