Title: The Villain's Right to a Showbiz Exit
Pairing: Michael Owen / Steven Gerrard
Warnings: A little language.
Disclaimer: Lies.
Notes: Based on Jamie Carragher's testimonial match at the weekend.
Feedback > life. If you feel like giving constructive criticism, please do.
if i made a fool on the road, there's always this )
Comments 10
Oh Michael, why did you ever leave?
You were so good at Liverpool!
Oh, if only he'd stayed, things could have been so different...
*sigh* Oh well!
Onto happier news and on the subject of Carra's day, have you checked Xabi's twitter account?!!!
This is what he wrote for Carra:
"Carra-dona testimonial today. LFC legend!! Congratulations mate. Sorry not to make it..."
How cute is that?!!! I almost died. XD
Thanks for reading and commenting.
he deserves all the misery oops, sorry about that! :D
I'm inclined to agree.
Thank you so much for your comments. I love how football-centric your thoughts are, because that's very much what I was trying to focus on when writing this. Michael Owen stirs up so many emotions in Liverpool fans, and I can't begin to imagine how much awkwardness he deals with on a daily basis. And I don't know what his relationship with Stevie is like, but as you said, I'd understand if it was strained.
If you'd like to watch the match, some kind person at ontd_football uploaded it here. I think that the first half is worth watching, for nostalgia's sake. :)
Thank you again. ♥
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