So, I got home from paintball today (so much pain, haha) to see my bedroom light on. Being an insanely private teenage girl, I got worried.
My mother was sitting at my computer, typing out some crap for her work. This would have been all well and good (well, ignoring the fact that it's really strange to see anyone touching my computer) if it weren'
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one time when i was in 7th grade, i found my dad at my computer reading my old livejournal. and that was back when i actually talked about my real life and feelings and stuff. he sent me to therapy aha.
Holy crap. He must have been hella disturbed by what you wrote! Although what worries me is the fact that your dad found your lj in the first place. Had he searched for it or something? How on earth would you just stumble across your daughter's lj?
no, i was really stupid in 7th grade and just assumed he wouldn't go on my computer, so my LJ was my homepage. logged in and everything. so it was sort of my fault. it was BAD NEWS BEARS though because he read it and then he made my mom read it and then they talked to me about it and oh god cringe cringe cringe.
i wonder what my dad would do if he found slash. he's secretly sort of homophobic, too. haha can't even imagine.
Ohhhh. You see, I was really paranoid about people tracking down my lj, so I did this little experiment with Google and realised that it's actually quite easy to find it and all the slashy goodness it holds. So that's why I was all "omg it was that easy to find your lj?!"
it was BAD NEWS BEARS though
Ahh I guess parents are more concerned when their kids are just entering teendom. They see all the horrific news stories about emo teenagers and they think "sad child = must intervene or deal with ugly consequences" so I suppose that's why your parents launched a massive let's-save-Greta campaign? (Oh, I'm Ish, btw. I took the liberty of stalking you via your userinfo.)
Oh gosh. I'm lucky that both my parents are really liberal. They'd just think that I'm (a) really bored, (b) wasting my time, and/or (c) sexually confused. I'm pretty sure my mother thinks I'm a lesbian anyway.
ahaha HI ISH. and i guess. i don't even know. to be fair, i was a pretty fucked up 7th grader. i was addicted to painkillers for awhile. hahaha. no i had problems, so maybe it all worked out for the better. but still oh god haha.
mine are liberal too, they were maaaaajahh hippies in the '60s and all that, but i think my dad just has deep-seated homophobia. it's not like, conscious or anything and they have gay friends (we live in seattle, lol it's like a requirement) and i'm positive he used to think i was a lesbian, but i just get a weird little feeling because of how he talks sometimes. BUT HE VOTED FOR OBAMA AND STUFF SO WE'RE ALL GOOD.
Ahhh I'm glad that's behind you! I'm worried about my parents finding my cigarettes, but that's really it. (I should probably start hiding them better too, if my mother continues to infiltrate my room. Bah.) Well, if it all worked out, I guess all you're left with is lingering awkwardness? :/
LOL I'm not judging your dad! I guess it's more about how you act than deep-seated feelings that you can't really control, anyway?
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