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Seriously, how can you not love her?
+ she plays in a new Wong Kar Wai-movie, My Blueberry Nights, which is really beautiful and romantic and idontknow. Watch it.
In other news: I didn't want to do my homeworks, so I planned my outfit til Friday... (sorry, I really am a blondie). I should read 2 texts for Wednesday, which I don't think I'll do now, I have a fashion magazine on my table, and I actually can hear it crying for me... The problem is that I don't think that I will have any time tomorrow. Maybe if Zénó (the baby I look after every Tuesday) fell asleep (in his own bed and NOT in my hands) I can do it...
I also have to write 200-250 words about me as a language learner for Friday, but I don't want to do this on Thursday (it's a day for linguistics:)))). It means I have to finish it on Wednesday.
Yeah, I know, my homework-plans are incredibly interesting. You don't have to say. Really. I know.
(I made some of Studio 60 moodthemes, yaay. But until then I don't want to use any other moodtheme, I really don't like the premade LJ-things. Unfortunately whemn I'm ready I have to pick a mood to every post. My life is so hard.)