Oct 07, 2004 00:35
its been a fucked up weekend meaning i was fucked up most of the weekend. this weekend was special however. myself and mr zocho took a trip to lowes(i hate hendrick motosports) and purchased oursevles a couple of 2 gallon gas cans. filled with a couple of classic ices and its definetly gonna be a nite of greatness. The next day we decided to step it up and purchased ourselves some extra credit, aka E.C. aka EVERCLEAR. a quarter of a fifth later i was shitfaced and headin over to sig ep drunk as shit watchin all these fat ass hoes dance on some booge ass pole in sig eps party room. eat a salad and ride a treadmill to quote the king of rock n roll.
comin up next weekend i got north carolina with tj for fishin and PBR...prolly more of the latter but who knows. On a serious note (not commmon in here) the goalie of my high school hockey team died in a car accident this weekend and its kinda messin with my mind. I didnt know the kid too well but its still freaky
back to the dumb shit, cant wait for thursday again
seems like every entry i gotta give a shout out to d-nasty but ask anyone and theyll tell you its appropriate, thats it for now
ps PBR IS RAW nov 1st