Good Service Bouquet

Aug 29, 2005 14:43

After my rant yesterday about bad service, I really feel it ought to be balanced by the excellent service I received this morning in a shop in Edinburgh. I went into Jenners to see if I could get a squishy rucksack type bag that didn't give free advertising space to some awful sportswear company, and I know their luggage department is pretty good. So I was wandering vaguely around seeing only a dearth of squishy rucksack type bags when one of the assistants asked if he could help. I explained what I was looking for and he showed me a couple of bags that they had, which were almost the right thing but not quite. Hmm, he says, that range there (pointing to a display of several bags) has a rucksack type bag, but the only one we have is on a display downstairs. Hang on and I'll go and get it. So off he goes and comes back with just the right thing. So I bought it.

Ten gold stars

1. He tried to find out what I was looking for.
2. He didn't try and sell me some crap I clearly didn't want.
3. He made an effort to meet my needs as a customer and as a result concluded a sale.

How hard is that?

daily life

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