OMG I've turned into an evangelist!

Oct 04, 2004 18:29

No, no, not a religious one. It's not that bad!

I had to go and get a couple of new tyres for my car today. So I went to one of these tyre and exhaust franchises that litter the place. It was quite smart - they had decent free coffee and a computer that you could surf with while you waited. So I had a wee surf, then decided to watch the guy changing my tyres. I noticed that the computer was using netscape, which I thought unusual as I haven't seen anyone using that for a long time. So I left the firefox homepage up on screen when I walked away - you know, give them a little hint.

Anyway this guy came over and asked if I'd finished with the computer, so I said I had. Then I launched into this sales pitch about how wonderful firefox is and how he ought to switch, and how much better than IE it is etc.. Quite surreal; I've never done anything like that before to a total stranger. I didn't even have the excuse that he was hot or anything.

tech stuff, daily life

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