Here is the shipping forecast

Jul 13, 2004 19:59

I have been deriving much amusement from the current shipping war.

"Our ship is canon, so nyah!" cry the good shippers.

"Oh no it isn't!" respond the Pumpkin Pie lot is the blue corner.

"Oh yes it is! And you lot are bloody stupid if you can't see it." Comes the cry from the red corner, but they're almost drowned out by the howls of laughter from the fandom wankers in the cheap seats at the back.

*general warfare breaks out*

I find this all rather amusing mainly because I don't care one way or the other, and for another, the whole twoo wuv concept for a trio of adolescents makes me boak. How many of us who are over 25 are still in a relationship with the person we went out with at 15? Preceious few. I also find it amusing that the definitions of the word 'canon' change depending on what is being argued, and that nobody seems to be talking about the same thing when they use the term.

For God's sake, can't we argue about important things like whether Sirius is coming back or not?


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