I hate decorating

Jun 29, 2004 17:42

Well I think I have finished. It's taken me all day, but the room is done. I spent an agonising hour or so thinking I was going to run out of paint (such a pain to have to go out to B&Q again) but I made it, albeit somewhat thinkly spread. I've painted the ceiling too light a colour, I should have gone a shade or so darker and it would have looked a lot better, but it's only a spare room and I can't be bothered fixing it.

Now all I have to do is go to Ikea and get beds, then grovel to my bro to put them together, because after all I wouldn't want to sleep in any bed I'd put together, it would probably fall apart during the night.

The conversation should go something like this:

Me: Do you want to send your daughters to stay with me?

My bro: When can you take them?

Me: As soon as you finish putting the new beds together *g*

Now to do some writing.

family, daily life

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