Prince Caspian

Jul 06, 2008 09:42

So I went to see this with my sister yesterday. Our opinion?

"Loosely based on an idea by CS Lewis."

That having been said, it wasn't a bad movie, although once again it did emphasise for me the logical incoherence of the whole Narnia universe as opposed to, say Middle Earth. But WTF with all the fake Spanish accents for the Telmarines? And OMG the bloke playing Caspian was seriously hot, but what a pity I'm old enough to be his mother. :( I suspect this is a feeling I'm going to be getting increasingly as time goes on.

A big win for the NZ scenery which adds the necessary grandeur, just a minor irritation from my sis who insisted on smugly telling me where all the locations were, as she's been there. She did that all the way through LOTR as well.

I do think Anna Popplewell's big pouty lips are beginning to rival those of Angelina Jolie, although if I were having to leave Caspian like that I would probably be pretty pouty myself. I see she's going to be in the next movie as well (Popplewell, not Jolie) so I suppose that will be loosely based too as I don't think she's in the book.

Total score? 7/10

reviews, movies

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