Reading not writing 2007 #7

Aug 17, 2007 21:36

I'm a bit behind with these, I think I must be reading more - although by the size of Mt TBR (current size 43 books) you wouldn't credit it. The library keep getting new books in, and I keep going, ooh shiny, and choosing them to read rather than what on boring old Mt TBR. *sigh*

36. King's Priory by David Haugh. Oh dear. I think this was supposed to be a paranormal romance, but if so it had one of the most idiotic plots it has been my misfortune to read. It's set in two time periods, and the protagonist in one time period is the reincarnation of the protagonist in the other one. Cute huh? That was all pretty silly, but what I found totally distasteful was the gratuitous way every single female character was mutilated, raped, died or all three just so the hero could learn 'compassion'. Please. I was reading it to review it somewhere but in the end couldn't bring myself to do it. Subsidy published, so if you're tempted, don't say you weren't warned.

37. Absolute Power by David Baldacci. This on the other hand was really good. Thriller involving US presidential shenanigans and cover ups.Apparently made into a film.

38. The Necropolis Railway by Andrew Martin. My thanks to tybalt_quin for this book. A good opener to Martin's series about an Edwardian railway detective. In this one he's trying to find out just what exactly is happening on the special funeral railway line from central London to a large cemetery on the outskirts.

39. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling. Do I really need to say anything? A great finale to the series JKR was actually writing as opposed to the one I originally thought I was reading. Could have done without that epilogue though.

40. Die Fasting by David Carriel. I've reviewed this for HNR Online so I'd better not pre-empt my review here. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


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