Title: Things We Said Today (Pt.1)
Rating: PG-13 for language
Pairing: C/Z
Synopsis: Letting go and grabbing again.
Disclaimer: I never do this. Not mine. Nuttin' ever is.
note: The scene at McD's is taken from a *real life story* of an old
friend of ours that did this. he DID this. Read on... ;)
One last crazy night )
Comments 11
The fact that you make Casey and Zeke so close as friends is awesome 'cause when I watch the movie, sometimes I can't help but think that they had to have been friends. I mean Casey just trusts Zeke. Who knows, maybe Casey was the first to try his Scat or something because he never implied that he doesn't do drugs or whatever. I ono, maybe that's just me.^_^
Sorry for the rambling, but yes...good story.
:D Thanks fer readin'!
Guys DO do shit like this, lol! I'd do it too, but that's because I'm not a girl. Or a guy. I haven't quite figured it out.
*Shrugs and smiles really fucking goofy like*
Fanks yous!
No, girls are just like that, right ?
I loved this and I'm so happy I don't have to wait for part 2 :-))
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