Sep 07, 2004 16:13
>dude...mid life crisis on my hands. alright here we go....i really, really like this matt kid, but he won't go out w/ me b/c he thinks he'd fuck it up and cheat on me. so how attractive is that? obviously a little attractive b/c i still like him. and then i kinda like this chad kid too, but he has a girlfriend...but today in horticulture he was flirting w/ me and said i was attractive and had nice boobs. and then there's luke...this kid that i avoided last year b/c he's kinda creepy and he seems like he'd do anything to have sex w/ somebody. and today at lunch he kissed me a bunch and then held my hands. but how much of an asshole was i? well...a big fat asshole b/c i kissed him back and held his hands back. i dunno...i couldn't just be like 'ew, no' b/c that's mean. but what i did was even meaner b/c what if he thinks i like him? ugh, i don't know and really don't even care. everyone says matt's not worth it b/c he's an asshole who cheats on people, chad has a girlfriend yet flirts w/ me so why wouldn't he flirt w/ other people if he ever went out w/ me, and luke isn't worth my time if i don't like him. so i'm stuck. someone, anyone...if you have some sort of advice...tell me =P