Dec 19, 2005 17:09
"Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love the world, you show you do not have the love of the father in you." 1John2:15
So, how was your day? Mine was pretty peachy for a monday. Ive been having a lot of them this year, thats cool.
So i give Brooke and Maggies comments on my last entry casey cookies. I suggest that you scroll down and read them, b/c they are oh so convincing, and im not sure which one to believe!!
Whoa, im talking to Shanna laPlante, my friend from Arkansas, and she just got a cell phone and its the same as mine. how cool is that? Sorry that was excitingly funny for me.
Anywho...nothing big happened today. Hey clay. I dont want him getting bored reading this so i decided to randomly throw his name in here..he cant resist, he'll read it. So Brooke and I made those messages in a bottle and she made a collage of pictures for tiff n K and put them in frames..and that was our bday gifts to them. They are so cool, you should have seen them. My message in the bottle was very sincere, especially considering i totally biffed writing them, and did it this morning in first hour...but shhh dont tell them!
I screwed up my arm, and i dont know how. Hurts like a monkey biting a camel. Trust me, that hurts. Then stinkin A!!! Joe, after i lifted...ugh!! ok so i walk outta the weight room, theres joe sparky and katie working out, joe sneezes and wipes his snot on the wall and i go EWWWW! So what does he do he runs after me, tackles me and wipes his yucky germy snot all over me!!! Ugh i about puked!
All right so, girls....what else do you want at the dinner thursday, i ve got mashed potatoes..anything special you would like me to make!? im excited, im seriously dressing up and eating a ton. Maggs we're staying the night correct? Ok. Maggs dont let me forget to bring that dress for you!!!Whoo im pumped, food food and more food!!! Thanksgiving Thursday! ha thats funny.
Ugh holy cow..i bout decked senora today. im not joking. we took a vocab test right, well there are those little blue boxes with extra words on the vocab pages in the book...well she had two of those on the test today, and she never told us to memorize them. im like senora we didnt learn those..she goes yes we had to have, first hour had like no, we never went over any new vocab as a class, and ethan asked you if there were any out of the box, and you never answered him. but she persisted and basically ignored it. I was so ticked off!
Funny story...last thing, i swear. So i leave english to go potty right? Well Fry of course makes me take the stupid fans as a pass and i of course stash them under the stairway...i turn the corner and the first thing i see is this skinless maniken and i can see all the organs and veins..and it looks so lifelike. like none i kinda jump back a little then within that one second, i realize holy crap its moving, and at this point im bout to pee my pants..then i realize this construction worker is pulling it on a cart and onto the Wiattvator. My heart bout stopped and i bout had wet pants. lol, thats what i get for not thinking...
welp ok im sorry for taking your time. i appreciate you taking time out of your oh so busy day to read whats up with casey.
thank you for coming, take a rose on your way out.