MISbehavin' (4th story/final in series)
Author: cn_rocks/CaseyROCKS
Pairing: C/O and A/A
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Summary: There is a fine line between stalking and romantic pursuit. Try walking it in cowboy boots. <.g.>
Author Note: For those of you following the MIScommunication (humor) Series, the final story is now posted.
MISbehavin can be found
here (my LJ) and
here (ff.net). I didn't post it directly to this LJ for the simple reason that although Casey and Olivia are very much a couple in this one and are in 98% of the scenes, the story actually revolves around the stalking...ahem...romantic pursuit of Alex by Abbie. Casey and Olivia are by no means innocent bystanders, however. The story came in at a little over 200 pages and had to be broken into a bazillion (okay maybe not quite that much) parts for the LJ. I hope you enjoy the read and I would love to hear any comments. I think I wrapped up every loose end.