Jul 09, 2011 21:26
I have been told that I need to write in my livejournal more and that actually my musings are rather enjoyed by what limited following I have on here.
I tend not to feel much of a compulsion to punch out regular updates on livejournal and this is primarily because I lead such an uninspired existence.
I don't know how to make the waking up, going to work, coming home, internet, shower and going to bed routine sound like a daily adventure.
Although there is the all important move back to Vancouver looming on the horizon and yes it is exciting. However, there is a lot of hard work involved with ensuring that I will be able to actually maintain a life there.
I don't quite have the romantic notion of the expat lifestyle that I did the first time around because I have been through this before and i know better that which awaits me.
I will have to quite quickly find myself a job because the funds that I will have will be limited and if there is any hope at all of ticking more experiences off my bucket list then I will have start earning very quickly.
My saving grace in all of this has been Laura. She has worked so hard to make sure that we will be okay during that initial struggle period, taking a job I know she rather would not have, putting some study dreams on hold and ensuring we have a place to stay.
She tells me not to worry, but I do. In fact I get sick of thinking about it.
All I want is a decent paying job with a boss who I won't want to stab to death. It doesn't sound like a big ask, but i know it won't be easy.
One other thing that I think I have realised in the past few years since I met Laura is how my whole entire perception of time has changed.
Two years seemed like such a long period in theory, and it is! A lot can happen or not happen in that period of time.
But have come to realise that two years can whoosh by in the blink of an eye.
One day seemingly soon, I am going to wake up and my two year working holiday visa is going to be up.
As unfathomable as that concept seems now, I want to make sure that I figure out how to make the best use of that time before it starts so that if I wake up and it's suddenly time to go home, I will be satisfied having achieved something that I feel is important to me.
So there ya have it...aren't you glad you asked? :P
On another purely unrelated note...