Back in Action

May 14, 2006 23:10

Finished my second year of college. This school year went by too fast. I almost feel guilty for having so much fun. I can't even start to describe everything that I remember, or what I was reminded of the next morning. Next year will only get better.

Now that that's over with, I am back in Huntington Beach for summer. I just got back Saturday, just in time for Brooks's 20th Birthday (Happy Birthday Brooks). It was exactly what I needed. Hang out with old friends, catch up on everything, and just kick back. It's summer, I need to relax. Can't wait to go to the River this weekend with the Zimmers and Chris.

I was going to try and take summer school at GW, BUT I got a call from my roommate, Nick, asking if I was available in July to go on the Family Vacation, since his grandmother is unable to attend due to surgery. Meaning that I get a free plane ticket, free hotel, free food, and only have to really pay for stuff when Nick and I are out on our own. Where are am I going you might ask? MOTHER FUCKING ITALY with some stops in random places. I do not have all the details yet, but I am so excited for this. I have never really been anywhere so this trip is going to be EPIC.

I need to unpack and setup my room tomorrow, depending on how I am feeling. Some how I got a sore throat and started feeling really shitty this morning, but that all seems to be subsiding and should be back to 100% in no time.

This summer is going to be great.
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