What a day...

Jun 05, 2006 00:26

Well..i didn't wake up until after 11..yeah yeah..i'm lazy. i've heard haha. anyways..bout 3 me and bec headed on up to norton..we went in hibbitts. then we walked over to wally-world. Then we went and got in her car..bout the time we got to her car it started pouring the rain..well. we was going to Goodys .. by the time we got over to goodys it was hailing. so..we sat in her car for like 5-10 minutes until it let up..then we took off running in goodys..haha. we're nuts..haha. we left there then came home..well we went to bec's .. i was gonna go get gas and then to the store..but they had food so i stayed and ate..then i went and got gas and the store. Then i went home.
After i got home..i laid around and watched movies..then Jason came over bout 8:30. We watched some t.v. and stuff. Gah..i already miss him and he ain't even been gone an hour..lordy. Well mom said that he had to leave by 11..so..we came out of the house at 11..haha. We went down and was standing at his truck and talkin and everything until like 11:30 haha. Oops..lol. Ah..i don't care..i didn't want him to leave. Gah..and i already miss him. Lordy.. I really really really hope that i don't have to wait til next weekend to see him. gah..i'll die..haha. nah..j/k. I love you so freakin much baby. 5 / 8 / 06
I have to go Tuesday and get all 4 of my wisdom teeth out. Shew.. not happy bout that one. Ah..I'll live tho. If i feel alright i may go to K-town with bec and belinda wed. haha..yeah..i don't plan on being too bad off. haha. Thursay..it will be 1 month for me and jason..wow..it don't feel like it's been that long. wow. I hope i get to see him on thursday *crosses fingers* then friday..dunno yet. Next weekend..i think mom is planning on me her and mike going somewhere..plus! she said that jason can come!! yay!! I'm excited. I just wish i knew where exactly we were going..haha. but anyways..i think i've rambled on enough for one night. I'll update later .. like when i get to see my baby again ;) ..haha . love you guys..
leave me some comments!

I love you so much baby!!
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