Apr 29, 2006 16:41
hey guys.
well me and bec went to Appy's prom last night. The guys got here bout 5 and we didn't get to leave here til like 6:15 and grand march started at 7! We went up to Appy High and we met up with Callie and Brandon. Then me, bec, JJ, and Jason bout chickened out on the whole grand march thing. but it turned out to be pretty fun! After we were announced and everything..and was just walkin around...yeah..that was pretty fun. But yeah
then we left there and came back to bec's house b/c we had to get some nail glue! haha..and a couple of other things that we forgot and callie and brandon followed us back. and then we left bec's and we went on up to norton for the prom. It was so much fun. I liked it. They had some good food too. Especially the little chocolate fountain thang...that thing was so freakin cool..and god it was good.
Then we hung out up there till like 11:30 I think..and we had our pics taken..they should be really cute..i can't wait to see 'em. Then we left and went to the bowlin alley for the after prom party..that pretty fun too. Especially beating Jason in air hockey!!! haha..j/k but we had a great time. I had a blast
Now .. my hair is in rollers. I'm gettin ready for PV's prom now..haha..i'm so excited..we get to do it all over again. YAY!! haha. I'm excited but tired to. I know that we'll have fun b/c we had a lot of last night.
Well..i accidentally left this up the whole time we were gone..so it is now like 6:47 on sunday mornin..We had a blast at prom!! It was so much better than appy's prom! I had fun at both places but our's was definately better. but anyways..i danced with JJ, Jason, and Marlow! It was great..haha. but yeah..
then we went to the after prom party..I beat Jason in air jockey again!! haha. Bowlin was even funnier tonight! haha. Plus we had all of our wonderful friends with us! It was great. The only thing that i think really sucked at the after prom party was that JJ ditched me. He left the bowlin alley like 1-2 hours after we got there..the little butthole..but that's alright..i still had a butt-load of fun! haha. Gah..what a night! I really wish that prom was more often! haha. oh well. but i'm really tired and i was plannin on finishin this after prom but oh well..haha..but i'm going to get off of here and get in the bed!
Love ya'll!*
*Leave me some comments!!*