Jun 05, 2014 21:49
A poem for Gadreel ♥
You light a candle in the temple of the dead.
You light it for every human and angel
that was poisoned by your touch.
You see it reflected in the votive's flame…
the burned out eyes of Kevin Tran stare back at you,
black husks of pain that tremble in the dark.
There are no eyes to see with here.
Whatever sight you possess
is borrowed from the past...
when you were an angel
in the land of the living.
Your shame fills the air.
You can feel it seeping from your skin.
If you still had wings,
they would threaten to tear you apart.
If you still had a heart,
it would break from the weight of your sorrows.
You are the blackness of the unending night.
You are the door that shuts for the final time.
And then you remember.
You remember the first blade tearing across your skin,
ripping more than just your flesh.
You remember dragging yourself to an open field,
staring up as the sky waits for you to die.
It will have to wait a little longer.
An angel heals you, a human protects you...
they say you are their friend.
The one who cut you and wants you to die…
you will die for him.
The tablet must break before he does.
The angels and the humans…
you will die for all of them.
You light a candle in the temple of the dead.
You light it for every human and angel that you've saved.
You are the hand they hold in the dark.
You are bound to them in a million secret ways.
my poems,