Tahmoh Jibcon

May 28, 2014 15:22

This is so awesome... what a great idea for a photo op!

From dustydreamsanddirtyscars...

So my Tahmoh photo op… I inititally had planned on doing sort of the same photo op idea with Jared and Tahmoh since both of them played Gadreel and I was interested in seeing how both of them would approach one and the same general idea, but then - with a little help of Selma - I twisted the idea a bit further and Sarah was nice enough to lend me the wings she used in her Misha photo op.

My general idea was to play off of Gadreel’s story of letting the serpent enter the garden. After some thinking and idea spinning with my friends I decided to twist „The Fall of Men” into something a little different, kind of a mix of the fall of men and the fall of angels or something of that kind… :)

He was amazing when I walked up to him holding an apple in one hand and wings in the other. He gave me the sweetest smile. And oh dear, he is soooo tall. :’) So I ask him if he would strap on the wings and he just goes “Sure”. And so I help him in and when he turns around I show him the apple and tell him about the whole garden thing and Gadreel and S9 and he asks „So you want me to give you the apple? Like a turn around scenario?“ and I just go „Yeah“ and smile.

And then we just looked each other in the eyes. And I know it’s going to sound so cheesy and cliché, but it really felt as if those few seconds were more like minutes. It was kind of amazing. :’) Then the photographer took the pic but said we should do another one, because in the first one you barely saw my face (really fucking amazing of the photographer to take another pic, I never expected that since you know - my problem if I look like an idiot in the pic). Then I freed Tahmoh of his wings and thanked him one more time and he just smiles at me, takes my hand and says „You’re welcome, love“. :’)

jibcon, the garden, tahmoh penikett

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