SPN Drabble - Anorexia

Aug 31, 2012 12:38

Like Chuck says, "writing is hard." But I keep trying, and I've written a little drabble about Sam hallucinating that he's fat (even though he's hardly eating anything). It's about perception, cause most anorexics think that they're bigger than they really are and it freaks them out. It's one of the ways that Hallucifer is torturing poor Sammy...


Sam arranges his plate like a salt ring, greens circling his mini salad shake. Lucifer gives him a look of approval, then settles down on the seat next to him. Sam's being a good boy, keeping all those nasty calories far, far away. "That's right, Sammy." he says in a soothing voice. "Let's dial it back even further today, ok?" Sam's hand shakes as he takes tiny sips of his green drink.

The fattest man in the world stares at him in the mirror. Sam squeezes his eyes shut, turns away from the image as fast as he can, but Lucifer is faster. Sam screams as everything becomes one big shiny reflection. The obese sun pours its heavy rays on him until he's drowning in his own fat. He watches in horror as it's painted on everyone's skin, as it's exhaled in everyone's breath. Greasy tears make their way down his face, leaving streaks that spell the Devil's name.


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