Daily Questions

Oct 16, 2024 13:56

I'm behind on the questions! I didn't feel well for awhile but now that I'm doing better I can catch up again.

4. Do you have any lights in your house that are on a timer so they come on automatically?

Not in my apartment but there's some lights in the building that are on a timer.

5. It’s Kate Winslet’s birthday - have you seen her in James Cameron’s Titanic?

I have, but I especially like her performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind *points to icon* and Sense and Sensibility.

6. In 1889 the Moulin Rouge opened in Paris - have you ever been to a cabaret?

No, but I've seen the movie "Cabaret".

7. I have a friend who gets very annoyed if the TV volume is on an odd number. Is there anything that drives you crazy, that other people think is a bit strange?

Leaving out the part about other people thinking it's strange, sometimes if things aren't a certain way, it bothers me. Like, I want my bedroom closet door closed when I go to sleep, it annoys me to see it open when I'm in bed.

8. In 1645 the first Montréal hospital was opened in the Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal by nurse Jeanne Mance. How far away is your local hospital?

There's several hospital within a mile or two.

9. Do you like blue cheese?

I haven't had it in a long time, but I remember liking it. Most kids I knew hated it, but not me, lol

10. National Handbag Day - is your life in your handbag, or just the essentials? Have you a favourite bag?

Just the essentials. Here's my favorite bag that I got from Barnes and Noble...

The other side of the bag (and the rest of the questions) are under the cut...

11. What is your favourite garden plant or flower?

I have so many favorites. Picking one, I'll say roses!

12. Is arthritis common in your family (do you have any affected joints?)

I don't think so and I don't have it.

13. Do you complete any puzzles to train your brain every day?

I do the NY Times puzzles online.

14. It's Thanksgiving Day in Canada today - reflecting on your childhood, what were you thankful for?

I was thankful for the delicious Thanksgiving meals we had each year.

15. Do you still wash your hands as regularly as you did during the pandemic?

Not quite as often, but I still wash my hands a lot.

16. It’s World Spine Day - how flexible are you?

Not flexible at all.

question a day meme 2024

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