Nablopomo 2023 Day 3

Nov 03, 2023 19:21

It's that time again! November NaBloPoMo! That means National Blog Posting Month. If you jump on the bandwagon, you are supposed to blog/post something to your journal every day of November. Back in 2017, HEYURS made a "meme form" to go by--you can use it for every day, or on those days to help if/when you get stuck. Come ON! Let's have FUN! :D ❤︎

You can see the list of questions here

3) What show from your childhood would you love to bring back?

I'd bring back Star Trek from the 1960's. That is, if I could wave a magic wand and have the original cast appear again and continue their voyage on the Enterprise!

We always ate dinner in the kitchen, but as a kid my parents let me eat in the living room on the night that Star Trek was on. I never missed an episode and it was my favorite show. All these years later, I still love it so much.

nablopomo 2023

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