Sam Daily - Sam in every ep

Oct 22, 2022 17:59

Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback and suggestions about Sam Daily back in September. I thought about making it not a daily thing anymore, or expanding it to include anything Jared. And I might do that at some point. But for now, I need the consistency of posting it on a regular basis, and thinking of it as a "daily" helps me to do that.

Faith - ep 1.12

One of the best eps!

We see Sam’s concern for Dean when he finds his brother unconscious (from accidental electrocution). At the hospital, Sam refuses to accept that Dean only has weeks to live. Back at their hotel room, Sam looks for ways to help his brother. He also leaves a message for John, letting him know what’s happened. Trying to put on a brave face, he tells his father not to worry, because he’ll do whatever it takes to make Dean better.

Sam takes Dean to a faith healer, and is thrilled when Dean makes a total recovery. But they find out that someone else had to die in order for Dean to live, and Dean regrets that Sam ever brought him here. But Sam didn’t know this would happen. And the Pastor didn’t know it was his wife doing this (controlling a reaper).

Sam saves his brother's life twice. First, by finding Roy who “heals” Dean, then by breaking Sue Ann’s control over the reaper when it goes after Dean.

"Faith" completes Sam’s mini storyarc where he goes from wanting to kill Dean (while under a supernatural influence) in “Asylum”, to leaving Dean, then returning and rescuing him in “Scarecrow”, to doing whatever it takes to save Dean in “Faith”. Which is why I wish we had a brother moment at the end, to tie it all together. Not instead of the Dean and Layla scene that we got (which was great) but in addition to it. This ep highlighted Sam’s love for Dean, so why not have some payoff for that?

I’ll be asking questions with each ep. I’d love to hear your answers. And also, anything else you'd like to say about the ep. :)

SPN questions for Faith..

!. Favorite scene?

2. Favorite Sam moment/scene ?

3. Favorite brother moment/scene

My answers

1. When they arrived at the tent and Sam was being so protective, holding on to Dean, while Dean was having none of it, lol. *points to icon* The exchange between Dean and Roy, and Dean going up to be healed. And when that moment happened, the way that Sam was leaning forward, so filled with concern and hope! Dean looking so beautiful as he was healed.

2. Sam in the hallway, tears in his eyes, when the doctor says there’s no hope for Dean. Leaving a voice mail for John. Also, the answer to number 3 below.

3. Dean in his hospital bed, talking about dying, while Sam refuses to give up on him.

sam daily, sam in every ep

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