I need help figuring this out...

Jul 08, 2021 14:05

We had a big heat wave last week, and even though the weather's been fine again, I want to be prepared. I want to get an air conditioner, but it's my first time getting one, and I need help picking one and then getting it installed. There's a million choices and opinions about what to get online, which I find overwhelming.

I asked for advice at Best Buy, but they didn't offer any. I guess I could call around to places that sell air conditioners and see if anyone could help. Even if they did help, maybe I'd get good advice, or maybe not. *sigh*

So, I'm not sure what to do. Nothing new, but I've been struggling with anxiety and depression. Which makes it even harder for me to get this done. :(

So, any suggestions would be appreciated.

help, air conditioning

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