Reuben's Writing Challenge

Sep 14, 2017 13:31

To celebrate the anniversary of his adoption, Reuben is issuing a challenge.

... write a story of any length using these words

Mama’s milk is warm, and every sip of it leaves me content. Her purrs rock me to sleep, and her gentle nudges tell me when to wake. A pile of small soft gingers cling to her fur. I follow her everywhere, in this place she calls home.

My dreams take me far away, to a cat who wants to play, and another who longs for comfort. Mama tells me that dreams are real, and so are goodbyes. She meows that I'm her little ball of light, the goodness in her heart. Strong hands lift me away, as I take one last look at her sweet amber eyes, tears dripping from my own.

This place is new, and doesn’t smell like home. But a kind lady lifts me up, and places me in her lap. I search her face, and mama is staring back at me. She gently places me down, and waits as I go to a meeting that’s already happened in my dreams.

A first sniff, a simple nose nudge, a comforting meow. New brothers greet me, tell me their stories. I will be here a long time, always ready to listen.

New mama says I’m adopted, that a year has passed. Anniversary tuna sits on my plate, surrounded by a circle of treats, and a circle of friends.

Link to the challenge:

reuben's writing challenge

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