Sam Daily

Sep 07, 2017 13:02

From ep 11.04

I love that Jared changed the line to "in my brother’s 67 Chevy"!


Robbie Thompson reading to us exactly what he wrote in the script for ‘Baby’:

R: “The song kicks in and we move through quick shots of the boys singing along, laughing, talking, eating fast food. New paragraph…”

R: “Being brothers.” And then that’s it, that’s all I wrote. So everything you see there is them, and the director said ‘let’s just give them room to play.’

L: Wait, so Jared changed the line to ‘in my brother’s 67 Chevy’?

R: Yeah, that’s all Jared.

Gif: thelevelheadedfangirl

changed line, sam daily, 10.05

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