Reuben's Writing Challenge

Aug 12, 2017 09:49

lindahoyland and Reuben's challenge from Aug 5th.

Write a story of any length and include these 6 words


The air breathes its sweet moisture on the blackberries, waking them from their slumber. It’s time for the blackberry fairy to arrive, and they must be awake for the occasion! Ducks paddle their little legs eagerly, racing across the pond, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Birds and butterflies circle the bushes, stirring up some sparkle to dust on her wings.

Threads of light appear, very faint at first, but growing ever stronger. Blinking into their world, they watch as she lands gracefully.

She sings them a song never before heard…

Berries dark and deep,
kinder than the dearest heart,
and twice as sweet.
First blackberry
lifts its head,
sings its song,
keeps us fed.
Last blackberry
tells its tales,
never leaves,
never fails.

Link to the challenge:

reuben's writing challenge

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