Reuben's Solstice Writing Challenge

Jun 24, 2017 11:22

For Reuben and lindahoyland's Solstice Writing Challenge, I did the bonus part, too. :)

Write a story of any length or topic including these 6 words.


Bonus Challenge - Write a story based on/inspired by the banner picture.

Her steps are soft on the summer grass. Paws wet with dew, she walks the same path as her ancestors. Ancient meows fill the air with the sweet scent of a musical perfume. She feels the warmth of a different sun... one that rose so long ago. Two white flowers bask in its heat, the first ones to live and grow under its care. Kitty circles them three times, gently rubbing her nose on the petals, completing the ritual. A long kept secret drops its veil, as the First Cat rises in the sky, beaming down its sweet, sleepy rays. Kitty bows and purrs, safe in the loving light that surrounds her on this perfect day.

Link to the challenge:

reuben's writing challenge

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