SPN Drabble - Remember this

Sep 17, 2010 06:17

Takes place the week before Swan Song. Sam's pov.

The sun sets quietly, reaching ever so slowly for its blanket of stars. The humid breath of night hangs low, touching our cheeks with velvet mist. The white spill of starlight pools at your feet, runs down your face like rain. Your eyes blink back tears that are swallowed by the night.

Sing to me as you once did, when we were little. A song of times gone by, a song that only you and I can understand. We hold a language between us, just like we hold our hands under the night sky, palms linked together. We hold this night to us, just like we hold a million other nights to our heart. Remember this, when the loss of me is so sharp it cuts you to the core. Remember this, when your clouds break, and broken glass falls on you like rain.


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