20 First Lines Meme

Aug 24, 2016 16:07

Snagged this from milly_gal.

The first lines from your last twenty fics (not necessarily in order here)

These are all SPN drabbles and a few poems...

1. Songs From the Cage - Sam shines in crazy colors like the sun; a patchwork of bright yellow and orange and red. HellSam squints... "The light is too bright in here," he says, and RoboSam laughs, a deep laugh several shades darker than midnight.

2. Water From the Moon - Dean is dead for 7 minutes, and Sam feels the world blink, feels things dry up inside him he didn't know needed moisture to live, feels his heart beat steady in his empty chest, beating for them both.

3. RoboSam - He likes to go out at night, when the world is as dark and empty and hollow as he is.

4. The Face I Wear Is Not My Own - The face I wear is not my own. The seams slip and tear, the criss-cross of scars mark the already broken territory.

5. I Won't Leave You - Dean's life stretches out before him, like a road with no exits. He can't close his eyes, can't take a rest from this pointless journey to nowhere.

6. Summer, 2008 - Sam measures time in dog years, hell years that spread slow and steady under a blood-stained sun.

7. Whispers From Heaven - It began as a love born of fire, born of a 4 year old's protective heart.

8. Bloody Mary - Dean gently cradles Sam's head, wiping the trail of blood from his brother's eye with his thumb.

9. A 1,000 Shades of Destiny - Dean maps out his life in stars that fall to earth; shooting stars that leave a trail of tears across his face.

10. The Sun Never Shines in Hell - The sun always shines here, as if unable to hide its face, even for a little bit. Rows of neat little homes line the streets, like Barbie doll houses free from decay.

11. A World Warmed By A Hollow Sun - Dean marks the days with a blue ink pen he found in one of Sammy's shirts. Each day's an empty square begging to be filled, and Dean stares blankly at the calendar, but it only stares back, daring him to dip his quill in a darkness he can't measure.

12. Remember This - The sun sets quietly, reaching ever so slowly for its blanket of stars. The humid breath of night hangs low, touching our cheeks with velvet mist.

13. The Sky Is Raining, Raining for Him - The wind curls its fingers 'round his hair, brings him slowly to consciousness, and he's alone.

14. Brighter Than the Heavens - The north wind is a cruel sister. Sam can hear her blowing through the cracks in his cage, a steady hissing sound that keeps Sam awake.

15. Anorexia - Sam arranges his plate like a salt ring, greens circling his mini salad shake. Lucifer gives him a look of approval, then settles down on the seat next to him.

16. Purgatory Red - Blood marks the barren ground in Purgatory like the red steps of an endless river. But it's not from the monsters who die endless deaths in this place of darkness.

17. You Whisper A Promise - Too young to understand, but old enough to remember, you can’t process all the images that flash through your mind. When you try to think about that night, you’re weighed down by a grief that's heavier than the stars.

18. The Moment is Eternal - Nothing can keep me from pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. The Cage is a terror that is safely tucked away, and all I feel is the comfort of your arms.

19. Chant Sam's Name - Sleep with your face turned toward the Cage, or don't sleep at all. Chant Sam's name instead of counting sheep.

20. Come Back To Me - east wind blows south. your compass spins wild circle's on my skin, my voice breaks into tears. sam, sam, sam?

meme, drabbles, poems, 20 first lines meme

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