100 Days of Happy #3

Jul 20, 2016 21:26

One of my favorite places to walk is a hilly area with a series of stairs, each one going to the next street. I feel happy walking here. :)

I went there recently, and on the way, walked through this tunnel of greenery.. bushes, trees and ivy.

Stairs #1 This one has bushes and trees on either side. I go to the bottom, cross the street, and it's on to the next set of stairs! What's cool is that each set of stairs has different stuff to see!

Stairs #2 You can see the shadows... the foliage is so thick that it blocks the light.

Then it starts to get brighter, and you can see a house on the right side!

It's kind of magical to see this cute little house here. On the left side of the pic, you can see the stairs again.

stairs #3 These stairs twist and turn, and lead down to a community garden.

First view of the garden from above.

Here's a section of the pretty garden, facing towards the hill. At the end of the garden, the stairs continue down with a smaller set of steps.

100 days of happy

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