Dec 09, 2004 23:14
soooo longest day of my life...figured why my alarm wasnt going off...i set the actual clock 12 hours slow/fast so i was late to lab and physics again and showered, dressed, brushed teeth, got ready, the works, (although not as fast as yesterday which was in 3 minutes) but in under 10 minutes...
then school...then right from school to crew where we had a hard work out of 2 by 4ks (aka 8000 meters) with 5 minutes rest inbetween....then right home, showered, changed and off to bens to wrok on project, where ben and i alone got the most work done and then once heike and nick got there, it was back to video games...then katie got there, and well i was like "katie im to scared you turn off the x box" and she was like "wait ive never played how do you" (all wispering behind their backs and they dont notcie anything) "just press the big circle green lighted button" "hmm okay but im going to have to do this stealthfully" (drops books, pretends to fix her hair and be watching the game, and sprints around the couch to the x box and shuts it off) the three boys just started, nicks eyes widened and his mouth opened, heike didnt quite know what was going on and then was like "nooooooooo" and ben just looked astonished and covered his face. it was priceless although they had a fight over who should turn it back on, nick lost and they started again so katie and i went upstairs and worked on project...