(no subject)

Oct 30, 2010 20:30

yeahso, my computer brokened last week, then it took another week to fix. I had to use the monster desktop to get my daily fix of Facebook and Youtube, sadly, LJ wasn't in the agenda.
Also, I think they tampered with one of my keys-The "[" key-and they made it extremely sensitive, so whenever I accidentally rest my hand on that key, my sentence looks like so:

I think[[[ what the[ author was trying to say[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

It's just fantastic.

I read The Lost Hero ;____________; ITS SO AMAZING. I think I ~might~ like it better than PJO...alright, I DEFINITELY like it better. It made squeal in many pitches. Especially the part when they were in Quebec.

"...Why, even that fool Notus, the South Wind, gets spring break in Cancun. What do I get? A winter festival with naked Québécois rolling around in the snow!"

I came back to LJ with a shitload of new Lost Hero fanfic, which is expected and appreciated.

Also, Halloween, in which I'm being an Asian.

School Dance. nbd or anything. Slutty Girls in slutty costumes, whorin it up. (left to right, me, maddie, marina and jewel (who was a bunny, but she took her ears off))

Um, so yeah, and school is terrible. I think the computer is a bit distracting. 60% on a math test aint gonna go over well. I'm just happy the next report card isnt going to have grades, so it won't effect my average. That's a slap in the face/reality check.

Halloween tomorrow, expected to be freezing.

What a depressing update.

stressing nbd, school sucks, emo-rage time, fml, halloween10

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