Oct 06, 2005 12:24
oh god... i was just cleaning out email and happened upon a series of letters i wrote home in the first few weeks of freshman year... letters to katherine, maya, chelsea kuiper, mostly joel though. and oh my god... if i needed a reminder of how much i've changed, that was it... they make me kinda sick, actually... i complain about the freshman now, but god...i was one too.
and then there's this to Joel, about Kate:
" She's kind of taken over your role as my torturer/protector. She definately doesn't want me hurt, unless she's the one to do it. She throws books at me and insults me (hasn't discovered the poking/squeaking connection yet), but all in a very friendly, amusing way. There are definately times when she gets east coast prep school and seems to be sick of me (I mean, I also get sick of her occasionally) and my naivete and
innocence, but mostly we get along really well."
Did I actually say that!?!!? oh god... such a tool! wow. please tell me if i'm still like this. and then slap me across the face.
i then go on to list all the people i've been spending time with, none of whom, aside from Kami, I really see anymore at all... gah.
skipping spanish right now. just coudln't deal with it today.