Nov 07, 2004 09:04
Well, I haven't updated in a long ass time. Been busy with a lot of things. Writing, school, taking as much time as possible with Ash, etc. I love her so damn much. Yesterday, me and Ash got into this big ordeal, and it generated into us feeling really bad about it. I felt so terrible, like I had murdered a dog or something lol(I tried to think of the saddest thing possible). We made up about it, and everything is great. We are starting over, clean slate. I think its just what we need. I love her so much...
I wrote this for her last night, lets see how everyone likes it:
I missed thee. With great passion I felt my darkest troubles unfold, the lust that once filled my day left me when your love came to me. As I saw your sweet face, glowing in the moonlight, I felt a feeling that I had never thought to exist. A love never thought to have been out of reality, nothing but a fairy tale. Can this be real, or was it all fake? Could I really ever understand the dimensions in which I lived. Eveything seemed so materialistic, so unglued, so utterly wrong and boring. That was before you entered into my life, my heart. The horror left me, the pressure faded, the locks unlocked, the doors were open. My one chance to take the chance and show you what you mean to me, show you my spirit. My love, you are my one and only, and I am ready to prove it to you over and over again.
It just came off the top of my head, I think its good.
Things with me and Ash have been amazing. I have seen her a good amount of times, though I'd love to see her every single day. We went to see Saw last Monday on our day outta school. That movie was cool and all, but it was better to just have her as close to me as possible given the circumstances. I loved that so much. Then I hung out at her house, she hung out at mine, and it was a great couple of days. I loved it a lot.
Me and my bandmate, Mike, decided to put up some flyers in our school to bring in some form to our band. No calls yet, but I am determined. I am hoping for the best and I am willing to throw as much into this as possible. I will succeed, in some way, shape, or form.
Well, I'm gonna get going. I'll talk to you all sooner rather than later I am thinking. Later...
I Love Ashley Ferrucci Always & Forever!
*March 22*