Nov 06, 2006 16:51
-3 hours of sleep,
-5 1/2 hours of driving
-almost getting lost in the 2nd scariest city in the us
-meeting cherise finally
-meeting almost everyone
-mountain lakes reunion ("little town with the big heart") with matt raena and mike!
-crazy kc the boy with the big head
-west virginia then virginia then west virginia then virginia again
-disney, 90s, and "our songs," lots of sing-alongs
-southern walmarts including the 6th largest in the us
-cowboys and indians
-mike demasi's kegstand
-electric lemonade
-luca's awesome roomates
-wasted by 9, out cold by 1
-waking up with one extra over the line
-my christmas hat!
-3 hours back
-"is that..." "OH MY GOD" "LLAMAS"
-more sushi than i've ever eaten in my whole life
-the cocoon
-thank you for smoking
-8am wake-up
-a surprise for lea if she ever finds it :p
-campus tour
-a goodbye that came way too soon
-5 hours back to ithaca with the memories of a weekend that i'll never forget.
"um... we're in virginia."
i love you!