Apr 04, 2007 19:12
“Tell him it costs $75 to sit on your face.”
“Um, my rates are higher than that.”
“I’ll get it.”
“No, I’m halfway there, I’ll get it.”
“You’re not halfway there, you’re barely out of the room.”
“Uh. Guys. Two WORKING legs here. I’ll go get it.”
“Apparently, my super power is super healing.”
“I don’t cry. And yet, I’m sitting here crying.”
“You’re doing really well. Better than most.”
“You aren’t screaming.”
“No. But I am crying. And again, I don’t cry.”
“They wouldn’t let you come back and sit with me while I had the heating pad on.”
“I don’t know. The therapist only wants the patient in the room.”
“Okay then.”
“Then they got all huffy when I said I’d bring a book next time.”
“Why? What do they expect you to do during that time?”
“I guess lie back, relax and be alone with your thoughts. I’ve been alone with my thoughts for seven weeks. My thoughts and I are sick of each other.”