HP Umpire Tim Tschida ejected Nationals pitcher Todd Coffey for arguing balls and strikes in the bottom of the 8th inning of the Nationals-Marlins game. With two out and two on, Marlins batter Gaby Sanchez hit a 0-1 fastball from Coffey to Nationals center fielder Rick Ankiel for a sacrifice fly, Chris Coghlan scoring. Replays indicate there were no incorrect callable pitches thrown to Sanchez, the call was correct under Rule 6.e.iii;* however, this ejection is eligible for a Balls/Strikes Exemption under Rule 6.e.iv.b.** The call is incorrect.*** At the time of the ejection, the Marlins were leading, 7-4. The Marlins ultimately won the contest, 7-4.
This is Tim Tschida (4)'s first ejection of 2011.
Tim Tschida now has -2 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (0 Previous + 2 MLB + -4 Incorrect Call = -2).
Tim Tshida is owned as a Secondary Umpire by jhagen88, who is now in 37th place in the UEFL with -3 points.
*This ejection is correct under Rule 6.e.iii.
**This ejection is eligible for a Balls/Strikes Exemption under Rule 6.e.iv.b.
***Quality of Correctness was challenged and overturned [affirmed] ("Correct" ==> "Incorrect").
This is the 1st ejection of 2011.
This is the 1st player ejection of 2011.
http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2011_04_06_wasmlb_flomlb_1 Video:
http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=13537785 Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball
Previous at-bat in the inning. Not eligible for consideration unless Balls/Strikes Exemption is applied.