After 10 years, 3 months and 5 days; 1,902 entries; 14,001 comments posted and 4,005 comments received - this blog is dead.
I'll be backing up the content when I have a spare fuck to give (because lol Putin) and that's it. I still do need some people to act as my health care proxy or whatever that I posted about a couple months back because I have no relatives I can trust to do it (if you know anything about my family you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about). If you don't know what I'm talking about and you're on my friends list or whatever, log in so you can read it I guess. Otherwise meh.
Comment here if you want my current twitter, tumblr, etc URLs (or whatever service I'm using in 2015 if we're all still using services and not picking soybeans). Comments are screened. That means that nobody but me can read them. I will get ahold of you with the links, I am not posting them here.
Unironic Shuffle Transitions will eventually show up here: Bye.